VET Courses
Years 11 & 12

Paul McAlister

Vocational Education Training (VET)

Students in NSW have the option of studying VET courses at school or through TAFE NSW or other training providers. NESA package and endorsed courses based on qualifications from National Training Packages or accredited courses. VET courses can only be delivered by registered training organisations (RTOs) that meet national standards and have the relevant qualification and units of competency on their scope of registration. For NSW school students in Years 9–12 VET is ‘dual accredited’. Students receive recognition towards their school qualification (Record of School Achievement or HSC), as well as a nationally recognised VET qualification 

Active Volunteering 

Content Endorsed Course | Non ATAR

This VET Board Endorsed course aims to provide students with the foundation knowledge and the elementary skills required to work as a volunteer in pastoral, social justice, career, enterprise and work programs. The qualification is recognised as an entry-level qualification for volunteer workers, under direct and regular supervision within clearly defined guidelines. 

Course Number: 64054

NESA Active Volunteering Stage 6 Syllabus

RTO: 90306

AQF VET Qualification: CHC24015 Certificate II in Active Volunteering.

Minimum Hours: 120 hours of 'face to face' learning per year (4 hours per week).

Unit Credit for HSC: Two Units (Preliminary Course, Content Endorsed).

ATAR: Does Not contribute an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).

Exclusions: Stage 5 Active Volunteering & Community Services - Introduction.

Suitability: Students who consistently achieve a C or B grade in Year 10 English.

More Information

         Units of Competency:


BSBCMM201 Communicate in the workplace 


CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people 

Recognition of Prior Learning:

Students may apply for Recognition of Prior Learning by submitting current evidence of skills against relevant units of competency.  Students with a part-time job in a relevant industry may apply for partial recognition of Work Placement. Students may apply for Credit Transfer if they are able to supply a certified transcript of the same unit of competence from another Registered Training Organisation. Students should contact the Xavier VET Coordinator, Paul McAlister, if they feel they are eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning. 

Personal Requirements:

Students with Special Educational Needs:

Students with special education needs may access this course under regular course arrangements or through collaborative curriculum planning. 

Uniform Requirements:

Smart casual / work wear for Work Placement only. 

Assessment and Course Completion:


Students in this course work to develop the competencies, skills and knowledge described by each unit of competency.  To be assessed as competent a student must demonstrate that they can effectively carry out tasks against a prescribed industry standard. Students are assessed using observation, oral, written and practical assessment methods. They are given a number of opportunities to demonstrate competence across the range of competency standards covered by this course


HSC Examination & Unit Credits

There is no HSC examination for this course and there will be no contribution made towards the calculation of an ATAR.  

Satisfactory completion of this course will contribute 2 Unit Credits towards the HSC. The credits will be categorised as Board Endorsed (as opposed to Board Developed). In order to obtain the HSC students need to have completed 12 Preliminary Course Units and 10 HSC Course Units. Only 4 of the 10 required HSC Course Units can be of the Board Endorsed type. 

Not Satisfactory (N) Determination

Where a student has not met Board of Studies course completion criteria, including meeting work placement requirements, they will receive an ‘N’ determination (course not satisfactorily completed). The course will then not count towards the HSC although units of competency achieved will still count towards an AQF VET qualification .


Students may lodge appeals against assessment decisions or ‘N’ determinations through the school. 

Additional Information:

Further Information can be found by visiting the:


Business Services 

Content Endorsed Course | Optional ATAR

This qualification reflects the role of individuals in a variety of junior administrative positions, who perform a range of mainly routine tasks using limited practical skills and fundamental operational knowledge in a defined context. Individuals in these roles generally work under direct supervision. 

Course Number: 26101

NESA Business Services Stage 6 Syllabus

RTO: 90306

AQF VET Qualification: BSB30120 Certificate III in Business

Minimum Hours: 120 hours of 'face to face' learning per year (4 hours per week).

Unit Credit for HSC: Two Units for both the Preliminary Course (Year 11) and HSC Course (Year 12). This is a Content Endorsed Course. 

ATAR: Students have the option to sit the HSC Exam. If students sit the exam there will be a contribution towards the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).

Exclusions: None

Suitability: Students who consistently achieve a C or B grade in Year 10 English.

More Information

         Units of Competency:



Recognition of Prior Learning:

Students may apply for Recognition of Prior Learning by submitting current evidence of skills against relevant units of competency.  Students with a part-time job in a relevant industry may apply for partial recognition of Work Placement. Students may apply for Credit Transfer if they are able to supply a certified transcript of the same unit of competence from another Registered Training Organisation. Students should contact the Xavier VET Coordinator, Paul McAlister, if they feel they are eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning. 

Personal Requirements:

Students with Special Educational Needs:

Students with special education needs may access this course under regular course arrangements or through collaborative curriculum planning. 

Uniform Requirements:

Smart casual / work wear for Work Placement only. 

Assessment and Course Completion:


Students in this course work to develop the competencies, skills and knowledge described by each unit of competency.  To be assessed as competent a student must demonstrate that they can effectively carry out tasks against a prescribed industry standard. Students are assessed using observation, oral, written and practical assessment methods. They are given a number of opportunities to demonstrate competence across the range of competency standards covered by this course


HSC Examination & Unit Credits

Students have the option of sitting the HSC Examination (Category B Course). If students sit the examination the marks obtained will contribute towards the calculation of an ATAR.  

Satisfactory completion of this course will contribute 4 Unit Credits towards the HSC. The credits will be categorised as Board Developed (as opposed to Board Endorsed). In order to obtain the HSC students need to have completed 12 Preliminary Course Units and 10 HSC Course Units. Only 4 of the 10 required HSC Course Units can be of the Board Endorsed type. 

Not Satisfactory (N) Determination

Where a student has not met Board of Studies course completion criteria, including meeting work placement requirements, they will receive an ‘N’ determination (course not satisfactorily completed). The course will then not count towards the HSC although units of competency achieved will still count towards an AQF VET qualification .


Students may lodge appeals against assessment decisions or ‘N’ determinations through the school. 

Additional Information:

Further Information can be found by visiting the:


Construction Pathways

Content Endorsed Course | Non ATAR

This course provides students with the opportunity to obtain national vocational qualifications for a career pathway to the primary trades in the construction industry (with the exception of plumbing). This Certificate II is designed to introduce learners to the construction industry and has the core units of competency that are required in most Certificate III qualifications.  This course allows for inclusion of skills suited for entry to occupations such as carpentry, bricklaying and other occupations in general construction. 

Course Number: 26211

NESA Construction Stage 6 Syllabus

RTO: 90306

AQF VET Qualification: CP20220 Certificate II in Construction Pathways.

Minimum Hours: 120 hours of 'face to face' learning per year (4 hours per week).

Unit Credit for HSC: Two Units for both the Preliminary Course (Year 11) and HSC Course (Year 12). This is a Content Endorsed Course. 

ATAR: Students have the option to sit the HSC Exam. If students sit the exam there will be a contribution towards the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).

Exclusions: None

Suitability: Those who wish to pursue a career in the Building and Construction Industry.

More Information

         Units of Competency:



# This unit is delivered by an external provider. Students holding a ‘White Card’ can apply for Credit Transfer using the applicable form.

Recognition of Prior Learning:

Students may apply for Recognition of Prior Learning by submitting current evidence of skills against relevant units of competency.  Students with a part-time job in a relevant industry may apply for partial recognition of Work Placement. Students may apply for Credit Transfer if they are able to supply a certified transcript of the same unit of competence from another Registered Training Organisation. Students should contact the Xavier VET Coordinator, Paul McAlister, if they feel they are eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning. 

Personal Requirements:

Students with Special Educational Needs:

Students with special education needs may access this course under regular course arrangements or through collaborative curriculum planning. 

Uniform Requirements:

Stiff Upper Work Boots / Work Pants/ High-Vis Work Shirt 

Assessment and Course Completion:


Students in this course work to develop the competencies, skills and knowledge described by each unit of competency.  To be assessed as competent a student must demonstrate that they can effectively carry out tasks against a prescribed industry standard. Students are assessed using observation, oral, written and practical assessment methods. They are given a number of opportunities to demonstrate competence across the range of competency standards covered by this course


HSC Examination & Unit Credits

Students have the option to the HSC Examination (Category B Course). If students sit the examination the marks obtained will contribute towards the calculation of an ATAR.  The exam is independent of the competency-based assessment undertaken during the course and has no impact on the eligibility of a student to receive an AQF VET Statement of Attainment.  Students not wishing to achieve an ATAR need not sit the HSC examination.  

Satisfactory completion of this course will contribute 4 Unit Credits towards the HSC. The credits will be categorised as Board Developed (as opposed to Board Endorsed). In order to obtain the HSC students need to have completed 12 Preliminary Course Units and 10 HSC Course Units. Only 4 of the 10 required HSC Course Units can be of the Board Endorsed type. 

Not Satisfactory (N) Determination

Where a student has not met Board of Studies course completion criteria, including meeting work placement requirements, they will receive an ‘N’ determination (course not satisfactorily completed). The course will then not count towards the HSC although units of competency achieved will still count towards an AQF VET qualification .


Students may lodge appeals against assessment decisions or ‘N’ determinations through the school. 

Additional Information:

Further Information can be found by visiting the:

Approximately $500 per year.


Content Endorsed Course | Non ATAR

This course is designed for individuals to develop foundation skills for workforce entry or vocational training pathways. It allows the student to experience a number of different qualification frameworks throughout the period of study. 

Course Number: 65248

RTO: 90306

AQF VET Qualification: FSK20119 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways.

Minimum Hours: 120 hours of 'face to face' learning per year (4 hours per week).

Unit Credit for HSC: Two Units (Preliminary Course, Content Endorsed).

ATAR: Does Not contribute an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).

Exclusions: Students undertaking this course and another VET course should choose different units of competency to meet the requirements of this HSC course and qualification (ie a unit of competency being undertaken in another VET course cannot contribute to meeting HSC course indicative hour requirements of this course). 

Suitability: Students who consistently achieve a C or B grade in Year 10 English.

More Information

         Units of Competency:



Recognition of Prior Learning:

Students may apply for Recognition of Prior Learning by submitting current evidence of skills against relevant units of competency.  Students with a part-time job in a relevant industry may apply for partial recognition of Work Placement. Students may apply for Credit Transfer if they are able to supply a certified transcript of the same unit of competence from another Registered Training Organisation. Students should contact the Xavier VET Coordinator, Paul McAlister, if they feel they are eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning. 

Personal Requirements:

Students with Special Educational Needs:

Students with special education needs may access this course under regular course arrangements or through collaborative curriculum planning. 

Uniform Requirements:

Smart casual / work wear for Work Placement only. 

Assessment and Course Completion:


Students in this course work to develop the competencies, skills and knowledge described by each unit of competency.  To be assessed as competent a student must demonstrate that they can effectively carry out tasks against a prescribed industry standard. Students are assessed using observation, oral, written and practical assessment methods. They are given a number of opportunities to demonstrate competence across the range of competency standards covered by this course


HSC Examination & Unit Credits

There is no HSC examination for this course and there will be no contribution made towards the calculation of an ATAR.  

Satisfactory completion of this course will contribute 2 Unit Credits towards the HSC. The credits will be categorised as Board Endorsed (as opposed to Board Developed). In order to obtain the HSC students need to have completed 12 Preliminary Course Units and 10 HSC Course Units. Only 4 of the 10 required HSC Course Units can be of the Board Endorsed type. 

Not Satisfactory (N) Determination

Where a student has not met Board of Studies course completion criteria, including meeting work placement requirements, they will receive an ‘N’ determination (course not satisfactorily completed). The course will then not count towards the HSC although units of competency achieved will still count towards an AQF VET qualification .


Students may lodge appeals against assessment decisions or ‘N’ determinations through the school. 

Additional Information:

Further Information can be found by visiting the:



Content Endorsed Course | Optional ATAR

This qualification provides a pathway to work in kitchen operations in organisations such as restaurants, hotels, catering operations, clubs, pubs, cafes, cafeterias, coffee shops and institutions such as aged care facilities, hospitals, prisons and schools. Possible job titles include:

Course Number: 26511

NESA Hospitality Stage 6 Syllabus

RTO: 90306

AQF VET Qualification: SIT20316 Certificate II in Hospitality.

Minimum Hours: 120 hours of 'face to face' learning per year (4 hours per week).

Unit Credit for HSC: Two Units for both the Preliminary Course (Year 11) and HSC Course (Year 12). This is a Content Endorsed Course. 

ATAR: Students have the option to sit the HSC Exam. If students sit the exam there will be a contribution towards the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).

Exclusions: None

Suitability: For students wishing to gain employment in the hospitality industry.

More Information

         Units of Competency:



Recognition of Prior Learning:

Students may apply for Recognition of Prior Learning by submitting current evidence of skills against relevant units of competency.  Students with a part-time job in a relevant industry may apply for partial recognition of Work Placement. Students may apply for Credit Transfer if they are able to supply a certified transcript of the same unit of competence from another Registered Training Organisation. Students should contact the Xavier VET Coordinator, Paul McAlister, if they feel they are eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning. 

Personal Requirements:

Students with Special Educational Needs:

Students with special education needs may access this course under regular course arrangements or through collaborative curriculum planning. 

Uniform Requirements:

Chef Uniform / Stiff Upper Lace Up Shoes / Hat  

Assessment and Course Completion:


Students in this course work to develop the competencies, skills and knowledge described by each unit of competency.  To be assessed as competent a student must demonstrate that they can effectively carry out tasks against a prescribed industry standard. Students are assessed using observation, oral, written and practical assessment methods. They are given a number of opportunities to demonstrate competence across the range of competency standards covered by this course


HSC Examination & Unit Credits

Students have the option to the HSC Examination (Category B Course). If students sit the examination the marks obtained will contribute towards the calculation of an ATAR.  The exam is independent of the competency-based assessment undertaken during the course and has no impact on the eligibility of a student to receive an AQF VET Statement of Attainment.  Students not wishing to achieve an ATAR need not sit the HSC examination.  

Satisfactory completion of this course will contribute 4 Unit Credits towards the HSC. The credits will be categorised as Board Developed (as opposed to Board Endorsed). In order to obtain the HSC students need to have completed 12 Preliminary Course Units and 10 HSC Course Units. Only 4 of the 10 required HSC Course Units can be of the Board Endorsed type. 

Not Satisfactory (N) Determination

Where a student has not met Board of Studies course completion criteria, including meeting work placement requirements, they will receive an ‘N’ determination (course not satisfactorily completed). The course will then not count towards the HSC although units of competency achieved will still count towards an AQF VET qualification .


Students may lodge appeals against assessment decisions or ‘N’ determinations through the school. 

Additional Information:

Further Information can be found by visiting the:

$500 per year.

Information and Digital Technology

Contnent Enorsed Course | Optional ATAR

This qualification reflects the role of individuals who are competent in a range of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) roles, including animation, basic cloud computing, basic cyber awareness, digital media skills, generalist IT support services, networking, programming, systems and web development.

Individuals who work in these fields apply broad sets of skills, including foundational knowledge in critical thinking and customer service skills, to support a range of technologies, processes, procedures, policies, people and clients in a variety of work contexts.

Course Number: 27301

NESA Information and Digital Stage 6 Syllabus

RTO: 90306

AQF VET Qualification: ICT30120 Certificate II in Information Technology

Minimum Hours: 120 hours of 'face to face' learning per year (4 hours per week).

Unit Credit for HSC: Two Units for both the Preliminary Course (Year 11) and HSC Course (Year 12). This is a Content Endorsed Course. 

ATAR: Students have the option to sit the HSC Exam. If students sit the exam there will be a contribution towards the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).

Exclusions: None

Suitability: For students with interest if entering the IT industry.

More Information

         Units of Competency:



Recognition of Prior Learning:

Students may apply for Recognition of Prior Learning by submitting current evidence of skills against relevant units of competency.  Students with a part-time job in a relevant industry may apply for partial recognition of Work Placement. Students may apply for Credit Transfer if they are able to supply a certified transcript of the same unit of competence from another Registered Training Organisation. Students should contact the Xavier VET Coordinator, Paul McAlister, if they feel they are eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning. 

Personal Requirements:

Students with Special Educational Needs:

Students with special education needs may access this course under regular course arrangements or through collaborative curriculum planning. 

Uniform Requirements:

Smart casual / work wear for Work Placement only.   

Assessment and Course Completion:


Students in this course work to develop the competencies, skills and knowledge described by each unit of competency.  To be assessed as competent a student must demonstrate that they can effectively carry out tasks against a prescribed industry standard. Students are assessed using observation, oral, written and practical assessment methods. They are given a number of opportunities to demonstrate competence across the range of competency standards covered by this course


HSC Examination & Unit Credits

Students have the option to the HSC Examination (Category B Course). If students sit the examination the marks obtained will contribute towards the calculation of an ATAR.  The exam is independent of the competency-based assessment undertaken during the course and has no impact on the eligibility of a student to receive an AQF VET Statement of Attainment.  Students not wishing to achieve an ATAR need not sit the HSC examination.  

Satisfactory completion of this course will contribute 4 Unit Credits towards the HSC. The credits will be categorised as Board Developed (as opposed to Board Endorsed). In order to obtain the HSC students need to have completed 12 Preliminary Course Units and 10 HSC Course Units. Only 4 of the 10 required HSC Course Units can be of the Board Endorsed type. 

Not Satisfactory (N) Determination

Where a student has not met Board of Studies course completion criteria, including meeting work placement requirements, they will receive an ‘N’ determination (course not satisfactorily completed). The course will then not count towards the HSC although units of competency achieved will still count towards an AQF VET qualification .


Students may lodge appeals against assessment decisions or ‘N’ determinations through the school. 

Additional Information:

Further Information can be found by visiting the:


Metals & Engineering

Content Endorsed Course | Non ATAR

The Certificate I in Engineering and SOA towards Certificate II in Engineering Pathways will equip students with knowledge and skills which will enhance their prospects of employment within the metal, engineering, manufacturing and associated industries.

This course is competency based and the student’s performance is recognised against a prescribed industry standard. Assessment strategies may include: Observation, student demonstration, questioning, written tasks and tests. 

Students are given a number of opportunities to demonstrate competence across the range of competency standards covered by this course.

Course Number: 59732

NESA Stage 6 Manufacturing and Engineering

RTO: 90306

AQF VET Qualification: MEM10119 Cert I in Engineering and Statement of Attainment towards MEM20422 Cert II in Engineering Pathways  

Minimum Hours: 120 hours of 'face to face' learning per year (4 hours per week).

Unit Credit for HSC: Two Units for both the Preliminary Course (Year 11) and HSC Course (Year 12). This is a Content Endorsed Course. 

ATAR:  This HSC VET course is a Board Endorsed unit credit for the HSC but does not contribute towards an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR). There is no HSC Examination for this course. 

Exclusions: None

Suitability: For students with interest if entering the metal fabrication and engineering industry.

More Information

         Units of Competency:

Recognition of Prior Learning:

Students may apply for Recognition of Prior Learning by submitting current evidence of skills against relevant units of competency.  Students with a part-time job in a relevant industry may apply for partial recognition of Work Placement. Students may apply for Credit Transfer if they are able to supply a certified transcript of the same unit of competence from another Registered Training Organisation. Students should contact the Xavier VET Coordinator, Paul McAlister, if they feel they are eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning. 

Personal Requirements:

Students with Special Educational Needs:

Students with special education needs may access this course under regular course arrangements or through collaborative curriculum planning. 

Uniform Requirements:

School uniform and required PPE / work wear for Work Placement only.   

Assessment and Course Completion:


Students in this course work to develop the competencies, skills and knowledge described by each unit of competency.  To be assessed as competent a student must demonstrate that they can effectively carry out tasks against a prescribed industry standard. Students are assessed using observation, oral, written and practical assessment methods. They are given a number of opportunities to demonstrate competence across the range of competency standards covered by this course


HSC Examination & Unit Credits

This subject is a board endorsed subject (Category B Course).  This subject will not contribute towards the calculation of an ATAR.  

Satisfactory completion of this course will contribute 4 Unit Credits towards the HSC. The credits will be categorised as Board Developed (as opposed to Board Endorsed). In order to obtain the HSC students need to have completed 12 Preliminary Course Units and 10 HSC Course Units. Only 4 of the 10 required HSC Course Units can be of the Board Endorsed type. 

Not Satisfactory (N) Determination

Where a student has not met Board of Studies course completion criteria, including meeting work placement requirements, they will receive an ‘N’ determination (course not satisfactorily completed). The course will then not count towards the HSC although units of competency achieved will still count towards an AQF VET qualification .


Students may lodge appeals against assessment decisions or ‘N’ determinations through the school. 

Costs : Nil

Additional Information:

Further Information can be found by visiting the: website

VET Curriculum Framework Syllabus for the Manufacturing and Engineering Industry NESA

Retail Services

Content Endorsed Course | Optional ATAR

This qualification reflects the role of frontline retail team members who use a defined and limited range of operational skills to undertake workplace activities. They are involved in mainly routine and repetitive tasks and work under direct supervision of others.

This qualification provides a pathway to work in a diverse range of retail settings including specialty retailers, supermarkets, department stores and quick service restaurants.

Course Number: 

NESA Retail Stage 6 Syllabus

RTO: 90306

AQF VET Qualification: SIR20216 Certificate II in Retail Services.

Minimum Hours: 120 hours of 'face to face' learning per year (4 hours per week).

Unit Credit for HSC: Two Units for both the Preliminary Course (Year 11) and HSC Course (Year 12). This is a Content Endorsed Course. 

ATAR: Students have the option to sit the HSC Exam. If students sit the exam there will be a contribution towards the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).

Exclusions: None

Suitability: For students interested in a career in the retail industry.

More Information

         Units of Competency:



Recognition of Prior Learning:

Students may apply for Recognition of Prior Learning by submitting current evidence of skills against relevant units of competency.  Students with a part-time job in a relevant industry may apply for partial recognition of Work Placement. Students may apply for Credit Transfer if they are able to supply a certified transcript of the same unit of competence from another Registered Training Organisation. Students should contact the Xavier VET Coordinator, Paul McAlister, if they feel they are eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning. 

Personal Requirements:

Students with Special Educational Needs:

Students with special education needs may access this course under regular course arrangements or through collaborative curriculum planning. 

Uniform Requirements:

Smart casual / work wear for Work Placement only.   

Assessment and Course Completion:


Students in this course work to develop the competencies, skills and knowledge described by each unit of competency.  To be assessed as competent a student must demonstrate that they can effectively carry out tasks against a prescribed industry standard. Students are assessed using observation, oral, written and practical assessment methods. They are given a number of opportunities to demonstrate competence across the range of competency standards covered by this course


HSC Examination & Unit Credits

Students have the option to the HSC Examination (Category B Course). If students sit the examination the marks obtained will contribute towards the calculation of an ATAR.  The exam is independent of the competency-based assessment undertaken during the course and has no impact on the eligibility of a student to receive an AQF VET Statement of Attainment.  Students not wishing to achieve an ATAR need not sit the HSC examination.  

Satisfactory completion of this course will contribute 4 Unit Credits towards the HSC. The credits will be categorised as Board Developed (as opposed to Board Endorsed). In order to obtain the HSC students need to have completed 12 Preliminary Course Units and 10 HSC Course Units. Only 4 of the 10 required HSC Course Units can be of the Board Endorsed type. 

Not Satisfactory (N) Determination

Where a student has not met Board of Studies course completion criteria, including meeting work placement requirements, they will receive an ‘N’ determination (course not satisfactorily completed). The course will then not count towards the HSC although units of competency achieved will still count towards an AQF VET qualification .


Students may lodge appeals against assessment decisions or ‘N’ determinations through the school. 

Additional Information:

Further Information can be found by visiting the:


Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways 

Content Endorsed Course | Non ATAR

This course is designed for individuals to develop foundation skills for workforce entry or vocational training pathways. It allows the student to experience a number of different qualification frameworks throughout the period of study. 

Course Number: 65248

NESA Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways Stage 6 Syllabus

RTO: 90306

AQF VET Qualification: Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways.

Minimum Hours: 120 hours of 'face to face' learning per year (4 hours per week).

Unit Credit for HSC: Two Units (Preliminary Course, Content Endorsed).

ATAR: Does Not contribute an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).

Exclusions: Students undertaking this course and another VET course should choose different units of competency to meet the requirements of this HSC course and qualification (ie a unit of competency being undertaken in another VET course cannot contribute to meeting HSC course indicative hour requirements of this course). 

Suitability: Students who consistently achieve a C or B grade in Year 10 English.

More Information

         Units of Competency:



Recognition of Prior Learning:

Students may apply for Recognition of Prior Learning by submitting current evidence of skills against relevant units of competency.  Students with a part-time job in a relevant industry may apply for partial recognition of Work Placement. Students may apply for Credit Transfer if they are able to supply a certified transcript of the same unit of competence from another Registered Training Organisation. Students should contact the Xavier VET Coordinator, Paul McAlister, if they feel they are eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning. 

Personal Requirements:

Students with Special Educational Needs:

Students with special education needs may access this course under regular course arrangements or through collaborative curriculum planning. 

Uniform Requirements:

Smart casual / work wear for Work Placement only. 

Assessment and Course Completion:


Students in this course work to develop the competencies, skills and knowledge described by each unit of competency.  To be assessed as competent a student must demonstrate that they can effectively carry out tasks against a prescribed industry standard. Students are assessed using observation, oral, written and practical assessment methods. They are given a number of opportunities to demonstrate competence across the range of competency standards covered by this course


HSC Examination & Unit Credits

There is no HSC examination for this course and there will be no contribution made towards the calculation of an ATAR.  

Satisfactory completion of this course will contribute 2 Unit Credits towards the HSC. The credits will be categorised as Board Endorsed (as opposed to Board Developed). In order to obtain the HSC students need to have completed 12 Preliminary Course Units and 10 HSC Course Units. Only 4 of the 10 required HSC Course Units can be of the Board Endorsed type. 

Not Satisfactory (N) Determination

Where a student has not met Board of Studies course completion criteria, including meeting work placement requirements, they will receive an ‘N’ determination (course not satisfactorily completed). The course will then not count towards the HSC although units of competency achieved will still count towards an AQF VET qualification .


Students may lodge appeals against assessment decisions or ‘N’ determinations through the school. 

Additional Information:

Further Information can be found by visiting the:


TAFE NSW Virtual Courses 

TAFE NSW Vocational Education and Training (TVET) has developed 20 teacher-led virtual online courses in a variety of industry areas targeted for growth. These courses are for Year 11 and 12 students only. Courses are recognised with either a Certificate II or III qualification. These courses are virtual and require high levels of motivation and organisation to complete. Please note these courses will incur an additional fee.  

Virtual Courses:

For further information visit the Virtual Courses section of the NSW TAFE website. 

More Information

         Units of Competency:



Recognition of Prior Learning:

Students may apply for Recognition of Prior Learning by submitting current evidence of skills against relevant units of competency.  Students with a part-time job in a relevant industry may apply for partial recognition of Work Placement. Students may apply for Credit Transfer if they are able to supply a certified transcript of the same unit of competence from another Registered Training Organisation. Students should contact the Xavier VET Coordinator, Paul McAlister, if they feel they are eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning. 

Personal Requirements:

Students with Special Educational Needs:

Students with special education needs may access this course under regular course arrangements or through collaborative curriculum planning. 

Uniform Requirements:

Smart casual / work wear for Work Placement only.   

Assessment and Course Completion:


Students in this course work to develop the competencies, skills and knowledge described by each unit of competency.  To be assessed as competent a student must demonstrate that they can effectively carry out tasks against a prescribed industry standard. Students are assessed using observation, oral, written and practical assessment methods. They are given a number of opportunities to demonstrate competence across the range of competency standards covered by this course


HSC Examination & Unit Credits

Students have the option to the HSC Examination (Category B Course). If students sit the examination the marks obtained will contribute towards the calculation of an ATAR.  The exam is independent of the competency-based assessment undertaken during the course and has no impact on the eligibility of a student to receive an AQF VET Statement of Attainment.  Students not wishing to achieve an ATAR need not sit the HSC examination.  

Satisfactory completion of this course will contribute 4 Unit Credits towards the HSC. The credits will be categorised as Board Developed (as opposed to Board Endorsed). In order to obtain the HSC students need to have completed 12 Preliminary Course Units and 10 HSC Course Units. Only 4 of the 10 required HSC Course Units can be of the Board Endorsed type. 

Not Satisfactory (N) Determination

Where a student has not met Board of Studies course completion criteria, including meeting work placement requirements, they will receive an ‘N’ determination (course not satisfactorily completed). The course will then not count towards the HSC although units of competency achieved will still count towards an AQF VET qualification .


Students may lodge appeals against assessment decisions or ‘N’ determinations through the school. 

Additional Information:

Further Information can be found by visiting the:

$500 per year.