RE  Subjects
Years 9 & 10

Ed Brown

Religious Education
At a time when society is becoming increasingly secular, there is an even greater  need for young people to benefit from a high quality Secondary Religious Education Curriculum. The curriculum at Xavier High School has been developed to inspire, stimulate and challenge students, especially in the areas of tradition, scripture, critical thinking and moral reasoning.

Yr 9 Religious Education

Students will study Yr9 Religious Education in both Semester 1 and Semester 2 (two modules). These modules explore the Person of Jesus Christ and units studied may include: Studies of the New Testament, Inspiring People of Faith, The Eucharist and The Eucharist. 

Course Code: 09REL_Religion

Year Level & Semester: Year 9, studied in both Semester 1 and Semester 2 (two modules of Religion over the year).

Prerequisites & Limitations: N/A - Religious Education is compulsory. 

Suitability: All students are suitable to study Religious Education, including students undertaking a Life Skills pathway. 

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What Students Learn:
Students will study the following units: 


Students will complete four assessment tasks across the year. These may include creative tasks, source analysis tasks, extended reponses and multimodal tasks. 


There are no costs associated with this module. 

Yr 10 Religious Education

Students will study Yr 10 Religion in both Semester 1 and Semester 2 (two modules). These modules explore the History of Christianity and teach students the qualities and teachings of Jesus Christ. 

Course Code: 10REL_Religion

Year Level & Semester: Year 10, studied in both Semester 1 and Semester 2 (two modules of Religion over the year).

Prerequisites & Limitations: N/A - Religious Education is compulsory. 

Suitability: All students are suitable to study Religious Education, including students undertaking a Life Skills pathway.

More Information

What Students Learn:
Students will study the following units: 


Students will complete four assessment tasks across the year. These may include creative tasks, source analysis tasks, extended reponses and multimodal tasks. 


There are no costs associated with this module.