External Study
Years 11 & 12
SBAT: School Based Apprenticeship & Traineeships

EVET: TAFE Virtual Courses

TVET: TAFE Face to Face Delivery Courses

Distance: Distance Education Online Learning




Cynthia Hansford

At Xavier, we work with registered training organisations (RTOs) to offer students a number of different external pathways to assist them in achieving qualifications and employment. Students have opportunities to undertake either a School Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship (SBAT), gain VET qualifications through our SBAT, EVET and TVET programs or study a course not provided at Xavier through our distance education program. Students will receive recognition towards their Record of School Achievement (ROSA) or HSC, as well as a nationally recognised qualification.


School Based Traineeships:

It is possible to complete a traineeship while you are still at school. In a School Based, Part Time Traineeship, you complete your Traineeship part time and complete your HSC as well. A school based, part time trainee must complete the same number of hours of work and training that a full time trainee is expected to complete (normally 1200-1600 hours) they just do it over a longer period of time.

You will normally complete a minimum of 100 days of paid employment over the term of your traineeship.

As a school based, part time trainee, you get:


For complete information about Part Time, School Based Traineeships, click here.

EVET TAFE NSW Virtual Courses 

TAFE NSW Vocational Education and Training (TVET) has developed 20 teacher-led virtual online courses in a variety of industry areas targeted for growth. These courses are for Year 11 and 12 students only. Courses are recognised with either a Certificate II or III qualification. These courses are virtual and require high levels of motivation and organisation to complete. Please note these courses will incur an additional fee  

Virtual Courses:

For further information visit the Virtual Courses section of the NSW Tafe website. 

TVET TAFE NSW Courses Face to Face

Traditional fee : Flat Fee $500 per student per course per year, balance of course is subsidised by the Wagga Diocese.

TAFE NSW provides the opportunity for students to study a VET subject at their Albury Campus. Each year a range of subjects are offered such as :

** Note, these courses are subject to change, due to availability and class numbers.

Suitability: Students who wish to enter a preferred industry of interest and due to course unable to be delivered at school.

For further information visit the TAFE NSW section of the NSW Tafe website. 

Distance Education

At Xavier, we use external providers to allow students to study courses that we are unable to offer on the timetable. Our main provider is Finnegan School of Distance Education. 

In the past, and currently we have students studying the following courses:

Course fees are covered by the school at the discrepancy of the Principal.

For further information visit https://finigan-d.schools.nsw.gov.au/