English Courses
Years 11 & 12

Ana Guzowska

The English faculty believes in the importance of education and understand how English skills are central to being an effective communicator, critical thinker and valued member of the community.

English focuses on a student's skills placing them on a learning continuum across all five communication modes. We see the value in every effort to communicate ideas and recognise the interconnected communicative modes of listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and representing as central to being a top performing English student.

English Studies

Board Developed Course | Optional ATAR

English Studies is designed to meet the specific needs of students who are seeking an alternative to the English Standard and Advanced English courses. This course focuses on texts that are not considered a part of the literary cannon, texts which are found in our everyday lives. This course is therefore suited to students who do not enjoy analysing literary and higher order texts, who wish to attend university or who intend to proceed from school directly into employment or vocational training.

Students considering choosing the course should be advised that:

Course Number: 30105

NESA English Studies Stage 6 Syllabus

Number of Units: Two for each of the Preliminary Course (Year 11) and HSC Course (Year 12).

Minimum Hours: 120 hours of 'face to face' learning per year (4 hours per week).

Marks Available: 100 marks for the HSC Course (Year 12).

Exclusions: Standard English, English Advanced, English as an Additional Language or Dialect, English Extension 1 and 2.

Suitability: Students who consistently maintain a grade below C in Year 10 English. If you find extended reading and writing challenging this is a better English course choice for you. 

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         Main Topics Covered:

Preliminary Course 

In Year 11 students are required to:

HSC Course

In Year 12 students will also be required to:

Across Stage 6 the selection of texts must give students experiences of the following as appropriate:


English Standard 

Board Developed Course | ATAR

English Standard is designed for all students who wish to increase their expertise in English and consolidate their literacy skills thereby enhancing their personal, social, educational and vocational lives. This is a challenging course where students learn to respond to and compose a wide variety of texts in a range of situations in order to be effective, creative and confident communicators. The course focuses on analysis of texts for meaning and purpose, as well as the composition of students' own texts to a high standard. 

Course Number: 11130

NESA English Standard Stage 6 Syllabus

Number of Units: Two for each of the Preliminary Course (Year 11) and HSC Course (Year 12).

Minimum Hours: 120 hours of 'face to face' learning per year (4 hours per week).

Marks Available: 100 marks for the HSC Course (Year 12).

Exclusions: English Studies, English Advanced, English Extension 1 and 2, and English as an Additional Language or Dialect.

Suitability: Students who consistently achieve a C or B grade in Year 10 English. This course is suited to students who like to read shorter but still complex texts and like to refine their writing to be cohesive extended pieces.

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         Main Topics Covered:

Preliminary Course – This course has 3 mandatory modules:

Common Module- Reading to Write: Transition to Senior English 

Module A- Contemporary Possibilities

Module B- Close Study of Literature

HSC Course – This course has 4 mandatory modules:

Common Module- Texts and Human Experiences

Module A- Language, Identity and Culture

Module B- Close Study of Literature

Module C- The Craft of Writing

        Particular Course Requirements:

In the Preliminary Standard English Course students need to achieve a C grade. In addition students are required to:

HSC Standard English Course requires:


English Advanced

Board Developed Course | ATAR

The English Advanced course is designed for students who have a particular interest and ability in reading, writing, listening, viewing and representing. Students should choose this course if they desire to engage with challenging learning experiences. Through their study students become critical thinkers and extend their ability to use language and analyse complex texts. 

Course Number: 11140

NESA English Advanced Stage 6 Syllabus

Number of Units: Two for each of the Preliminary Course (Year 11) and HSC Course (Year 12).

Minimum Hours: 120 hours of 'face to face' learning per year (4 hours per week).

Marks Available: 100 marks for the HSC Course (Year 12).

Exclusions: English (Studies), English (Standard), Fundamentals of English & English (ESL).

Suitability: Students who consistently achieve a high B or A grade in Year 10 English. This course is suited to students who love to read longer and complex texts and like to compose, refine and extend their writing to be cohesive  and complex pieces. 

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         Main Topics Covered:

Preliminary Course The course has mandatory modules:

Common Module- Reading to Write: Transition to Senior English 

Module A- Narratives that Shape our World

Module B- Close Study of Literature

HSC Course The course has four mandatory modules:

Common Module- Texts and Human Experiences

Module A- Textual Conversations

Module B- Critical Study of Literature

Module C- The Craft of Writing

        Particular Course Requirements:

In the Preliminary English Advanced Course students are required to:

HSC English (Advanced) Course requires the close study of:


English Extension

Board Developed Course | ATAR

The English Extension Course is designed for students who are undertaking the Advanced English course and who choose to study at a more intensive level in one specific area chose from a diverse prescription range. They enjoy engaging with complex levels of conceptualisation and seek to work in increasingly independent ways towards a related research project. 

Course Number: 11150

NESA English Extension Stage 6 Syllabus

Number of Units: One for each of the Preliminary Extension Course (Year 11), HSC Extension 1 Course (Year 12) and HSC Extension 2 Course (Year 12).

Minimum Hours: 60 hours of 'face to face' learning per year (2 hours per week usually off timetable eg. before or after school).

Marks Available: 50 marks for the HSC Course (Year 12).

Exclusions: English (Studies) & English (Standard).


Suitability: Students who consistently achieve an A grade in Year 10 English and who can manage working independently in a project-based learning environment with little guidance from their teacher. This course is suited to students who love to read longer, diverse and complex texts; who like to compose, refine and extend their writing to be cohesive, discursive and complex pieces. 

More Information

         Main Topics Covered:

Preliminary Extension CourseThe course has two mandatory sections: 

Module: Texts, Culture and Value

Related Research project

HSC Extension Course 1 

The course has the mandatory sections:

HSC Extension Course 2

The course requires students to complete a Major Work, a Major Work Journal and a Reflection Statement. 

        Particular Course Requirements:

Lessons are held outside of normal school hours on one afternoon each week. This will be in negotiation with the teacher.
