RE Courses
Years 11 & 12

Ed Brown

Religious Education is at the heart of Catholic education. It informs all aspects of school life and contributes to the mission of the Catholic Church in announcing the good news of Jesus Christ. At Xavier High School we offer a range of courses for students to explore how religion provides answers to enduring questions of life such as 'what is one's purpose in life?' or 'what does it mean to be human?'. Students may investigate this through the study of beliefs, sacred texts, ethics, practices and significant people of religious traditions, or through the exploration and deepening of their understanding of the Catholic Faith.

Religious Education is compulsory and all students will participate in a three day Retreat in Year 12. The retreat is a wonderful opportunity for students to deepen their own faith and spend time as a community. 

Studies in Catholic Thought

Content Endorsed Course | Non ATAR

Studies in Catholic Thought is a NESA Endorsed Course developed by the Catholic dioceses of NSW. It involves new ways of thinking based on philosophy, the arts, history, scripture and Catholic beliefs.

It is a course that examines the ‘big questions’ that human beings ask and explores ways that the Catholic religion answers them. Students will be involved in researching and constructing balanced arguments around these questions and the religious values and beliefs connected to them.

Course Number: Year 11 (63046 )

Sydney Catholic Schools - Stage 6 Syllabus

Number of Units: One for each of the Preliminary Course (Year 11) and HSC Course. (Year 12).

Minimum Hours: 60 hours of 'face to face' learning per year (2 hours per week).

Marks Available: This is a Board Endorsed Course. There is no external examination and therefore this course does not count in the calculation of the ATAR. It does count toward the attainment of the HSC. 

Suitability: Students who are undertaking a non-ATAR pathway or who do not wish for a religious based course to contribute to their ATAR. 

Exclusions: Studies of Religion I and Studies of Religion II

More Information

Preliminary Course (Year 11): 'The Human Person'

HSC Course (Year 12): 'The Good Life'

Particular Course Requirements:

It is compulsory for students to participate in a three day Retreat in Year 12. Costs are included as part of the school fees. 


Studies of Religion I (Traditional)

Board Developed Course | ATAR

Studies of Religion I promotes an understanding and critical awareness of the nature and significance of religion and the influence of belief systems and religious traditions on individuals and within society.  

Studies of Religion I (Traditional)  is the option that the majority of students should choose. Students will study religion in both Year 11 and Year 12.

Course Number: Year 11 (11350) & Year 12 (15370).

NESA Studies of Religion 1 Stage 6 Syllabus

Number of Units: One Unit for each of the Preliminary Course (Year 11) and HSC Course (Year 12).

Minimum Hours: 60 hours of 'face to face' learning per year (2 hours per week).

Marks Available: 50 marks for the HSC Course (Year 12). 

Suitability: Students consistently achieving at an A-B range for both Religion and English.

Exclusions: Studies of Religion II and Studies in Catholic Thought.

Other Information:
Students who  undertake Studies of Religion I (Traditional) will be required to study religion 2 periods per week in both Year 11 and Year 12. 

In Year 11, all students who study Studies of Religion I will need to also need to choose an additional One Unit Preliminary Course from the list below:

More Information

         Preliminary Course (Year 11):

Nature of Religion and Beliefs

Two Religious Traditions Studies (from Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism)

HSC Course (Year 12):

Religious and Belief Systems in Australia post 1945

Two Religious Traditions Depth Studies (from Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism)

         Particular Course Requirements:

It is compulsory for students to participate in a three day Retreat in Year 12. Costs are included as part of the school fees. 

This course is designed for students who have shown well developed literacy and research skills. It is highly desired that students wishing to study this course would be consistently achieving  A or B grades in Year 10 Religion and English. 


Studies of Religion I (Compressed)

Board Developed Course | ATAR

Studies of Religion I promotes an understanding and critical awareness of the nature and significance of religion and the influence of belief systems and religious traditions on individuals and within society.  

Studies of Religion I (Compressed) requires students to invest additional time and effort to complete both the Preliminary and HSC studies in Year 11. Only diligent highly capable students should consider Studies of Religion I (Compressed).

Course Number: Year 11 (11350) & Year 12 (15370).

NESA Studies of Religion 1 Stage 6 Syllabus

Number of Units: One Unit for each of the Preliminary Course (Year 11) and HSC Course (Year 12).

Minimum Hours: 60 hours of 'face to face' learning per year (3 hours per week, 2 regular lessons plus a lunch).

Marks Available: 50 marks for the HSC Course (Year 12). 

Suitability: Students consistently achieving at an A-B range for both Religion and English who are highly motivated and willing to put in additional time to cover the additional content of this compressed course.

Exclusions: Studies of Religion II and Studies in Catholic Thought.

Other Information: 

Students who  undertake Studies of Religion I (Compressed) will complete both their Preliminary and HSC study in Year 11. These students will be required to study religion for 2 periods  plus an additional session each week. The scheduling of the additional session will be negotiated with the teacher and take place either after school or during lunchtime. Students who undertake Studies of Religion 1 (Compressed) will not be required to study religion in Year 12.

In Year 11, all students who study Studies of Religion I will need to also need to choose an additional One Unit Preliminary Course from the list below:

Students undertaking Studies of Religion I (Compressed) will  will complete both their Preliminary and HSC study in Year 11, thus completing their HSC Exam in 2025.

More Information

         Preliminary Course (Year 11):

Nature of Religion and Beliefs

Two Religious Traditions Studies (from Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism)

HSC Course (Year 12):

Religious and Belief Systems in Australia post 1945

Two Religious Traditions Depth Studies (from Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism)

         Particular Course Requirements:

It is compulsory for students to participate in a three day Retreat in Year 12. Costs are included as part of the school fees. 

This course is designed for students who have shown well developed literacy and research skills. It is highly desired that students wishing to study this course would be consistently achieving  A or B grades in Year 10 Religion and English. 


Studies of Religion II

Board Developed Course | ATAR

Studies of Religion II promotes an understanding and critical awareness of the nature and significance of religion and the influence of belief systems and religious traditions on individuals and within society.  

Course Number: Year 11 (11360) & Year 12 (15380).

NESA Studies of Religion 2 Stage 6 Syllabus

Number of Units: Two Units for each of the Preliminary Course (Year 11) and HSC Course (Year 12).

Minimum Hours: 120 hours of 'face to face' learning per year (4 hours per week).

Marks Available: 100 marks for the HSC Course (Year 12). 

Suitability: Students consistently achieving at an A-B range for both Religion and English.

Exclusions: Studies of Religion I and Studies in Catholic Thought.

More Information

         Preliminary Course (Year 11):

Nature of Religion and Beliefs

Three Religious Traditions Studies (from Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism)

Religions of Ancient Origin

Religion in Australia pre 1945

HSC Course (Year 12):

Religious and Belief Systems in Australia post 1945

Three Religious Traditions Depth Studies (from Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism)

Religion and Peace

Religion and Non-Religion

         Particular Course Requirements:

It is compulsory for students to participate in a three day Retreat in Year 12. Costs are included as part of the school fees. 

This course is designed for students who have shown well developed literacy and research skills. It is highly desired that students wishing to study this course would be consistently achieving  A or B grades in Year 10 Religion and English. 
