English  Subjects
Years 9 & 10

Ana Guzowska

English is a mandatory, year long subject. The focus areas for Stage 5 supports students’ growing knowledge and understanding in the areas of:

Stage 5 English builds on the foundational skills developed in the earlier years to support the growing knowledge, understanding and skills in the areas of reading, viewing and listening to texts, understanding and responding to texts and expressing ideas and composing text.

Yr 9 English

Students engage with literature from Australia and from across the world focusing on transformation of character. These texts communicate in distinctive ways and are shaped by lived experiences, knowledge, cultures, and connections. By exploring historic and contemporary texts, representative of a range of cultural and social perspectives, students broaden their experiences and become empowered to express their identities, personal values and ethics. 

Mythical Worlds  (Yr 9, Term 1)

Students undertaking this module of English will explore traditional myths and legends. Students will develop their understanding, analysis and composition of film. Furthermore, students will analyse why myths, legends and characters persevere over time. 

The concepts being explored are: Character and Intertextuality


Course Code: 09ENG_Eng   

Year Level & Term: Year 9, Term 1

Prerequisites & Limitations: None

Suitability: All students 

What Students Learn:
Language and text shape our understanding of ourselves and our world. This allows us to relate with others, and contributes to our intellectual, social and emotional development. In English, students study language in its various textual forms, which develop in complexity, to understand how meaning is shaped, conveyed, interpreted, and reflected. 


Students will complete the following assessment task:

Future Pathways:

The study of English underpins the other subject areas, empowering students to achieve their capabilities both in school and their later chosen career. English is a mandatory subject at HSC, as its real world application is recognised as significant for students and this is built upon within lessons. 


There are no costs associated with this module. 

Film Study  (Yr 9, Term 2)

Within this unit students are to complete an in-depth film study on ‘Hunt for the Wilderpeople’. Students aim to develop their understanding of contextual information, characterisation within film, themes present, visual techniques and analysis of key scenes. Students engage with multiple forms of literature that focus on the transformation of character. By exploring historic and contemporary texts, representative of a range of social and cultural perspectives, students broaden their experiences and become empowered to express their personal ideas and beliefs. 

The three concepts being explored include: Connotation, Imagery and Symbolism.

Year Level & Term: Year 9, Term 2

Prerequisites & Limitations: None

Suitability: All students 

What Students Learn:
Language and text shape our understanding of ourselves and our world. This allows us to relate with others, and contributes to our intellectual, social and emotional development. In English, students study language in its various textual forms, which develop in complexity, to understand how meaning is shaped, conveyed, interpreted, and reflected. 


Students will complete the following assessment task:

Future Pathways:

The study of English underpins the other subject areas, empowering students to achieve their capabilities both in school and their later chosen career. English is a mandatory subject at HSC, as its real world application is recognised as significant for students and this is built upon within lessons. 


There are no costs associated with this module. 

Genre Study: Dystopia (Yr 9, Term 3)

In this unit, students will partake in a close study of Veronica Ruth's novel Divergent while exploring the dystopian genre, developing not only their understanding of science fiction, but also their ability to compose texts within this genre. Beginning with an exploration of the history and origins of dystopian fiction and analysing numerous examples of this genre and its conventions, students will understand how such works scrutinise and comment on contemporary social issues.

Concepts explored are: Genre and Code and Convention

Year Level & Term: Year 9, Term 3

Prerequisites & Limitations: None

Suitability: All Students

What Students Learn:
Language and text shape our understanding of ourselves and our world. This allows us to relate with others, and contributes to our intellectual, social and emotional development. In English, students study language in its various textual forms, which develop in complexity, to understand how meaning is shaped, conveyed, interpreted, and reflected. 


Students will complete the following assessment task:

Future Pathways:

The study of English underpins the other subject areas, empowering students to achieve their capabilities both in school and their later chosen career. English is a mandatory subject at HSC, as its real world application is recognised as significant for students and this is built upon within lessons. 


There are no costs associated with this module. 

Voices of Protest  (Yr 9, Term 4)

Voices of Protest explores a variety of text types focused on protest including; indigenous play Honey Spot by Jack Davis, poems, songs, visual texts, short stories and speeches with a focus on the voice of protest. The selection of texts highlight the diversity and social perspectives through race, culture, sexuality and social class, so students gain an understanding of dominant, marginalised and silenced voices through in-depth analysis of language. 

Concepts explored are: Authority and Intertextuality


Year Level & Term: Year 9, Term 4

Prerequisites & Limitations: None

Suitability: All Students

What Students Learn:
Language and text shape our understanding of ourselves and our world. This allows us to relate with others, and contributes to our intellectual, social and emotional development. In English, students study language in its various textual forms, which develop in complexity, to understand how meaning is shaped, conveyed, interpreted, and reflected. 


Students will complete the following assessment task:

Future Pathways:

The study of English underpins the other subject areas, empowering students to achieve their capabilities both in school and their later chosen career. English is a mandatory subject at HSC, as its real world application is recognised as significant for students and this is built upon within lessons. 


There are no costs associated with this module. 

Yr 10 English

Students engage with literature from Australia, including the rich voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, and Shakespearean texts. These texts communicate in distinctive ways and are shaped by lived experiences, knowledge, cultures, and connections. By exploring historic and contemporary texts, representative of a range of cultural and social perspectives, students broaden their experiences and become empowered to express their identities, personal values and ethics.

Fear and Deceit  (Yr 10, Term 1)

This unit explores the Shakespearean play Macbeth focusing on textual and cultural experiences. In particular, discussing its literary value through how style and genre reflect ideas around fear and deceit. Students will discuss tragic conventions and the themes that give it its timeless appeal.


Concepts: Genre and literary value

Course Code: 10ENG_Eng 

Year Level & Term: Year 10, Term 1

Prerequisites & Limitations: None

Suitability: All students 

What Students Learn:
Language and text shape our understanding of ourselves and our world. This allows us to relate with others, and contributes to our intellectual, social and emotional development. In English, students study language in its various textual forms, which develop in complexity, to understand how meaning is shaped, conveyed, interpreted, and reflected. 


Future Pathways:

The study of English underpins the other subject areas, empowering students to achieve their capabilities both in school and their later chosen career. English is a mandatory subject at HSC, as its real world application is recognised as significant for students and this is built upon within lessons. 


There are no costs associated with this module. 

Indigenous Film Study (Year 10, Term 2)

This unit develops students' understanding of cultural and historical issues encountered by First Nations' peoples though the study of the film Jasper Jones by indigenous director Rachel Perkins. Students explore their understanding of contextual information, characterisation within film, themes present, visual techniques and analysis of key scenes. By exploring historic and contemporary texts, representative of a range of social and cultural perspectives, students broaden their experiences and become empowered to express their personal ideas and beliefs. 

Concepts covered include: Style, Codes and Conventions, and Point of View


Year Level & Term: Year 10, Term 2

Prerequisites & Limitations: None

Suitability: All students

What Students Learn:
Language and text shape our understanding of ourselves and our world. This allows us to relate with others, and contributes to our intellectual, social and emotional development. In English, students study language in its various textual forms, which develop in complexity, to understand how meaning is shaped, conveyed, interpreted, and reflected. 


Future Pathways:

The study of English underpins the other subject areas, empowering students to achieve their capabilities both in school and their later chosen career. English is a mandatory subject at HSC, as its real world application is recognised as significant for students and this is built upon within lessons. 


There are no costs associated with this module. 

Perspectives (Yr 10, Term 3)

Students will study texts that represent different perspectives within an anthology of poems, short stories, songs, performances and digital texts. They will analyse perspective and context to understand ideas that have endured across different cultures and historical periods in literary texts. This will empower them to develop their own voice, identities, personal values and ethics.

Concepts covered include: Perspective, Theme and Representation

Year Level & Term: Year 10, Term 3

Prerequisites & Limitations: None

Suitability: All students 

What Students Learn:
Language and text shape our understanding of ourselves and our world. This allows us to relate with others, and contributes to our intellectual, social and emotional development. In English, students study language in its various textual forms, which develop in complexity, to understand how meaning is shaped, conveyed, interpreted, and reflected. 


Future Pathways:

The study of English underpins the other subject areas, empowering students to achieve their capabilities both in school and their later chosen career. English is a mandatory subject at HSC, as its real world application is recognised as significant for students and this is built upon within lessons. 


There are no costs associated with this module. 

Coming of Age (Yr 10, Term 4)

Students will study texts that represent a coming of age narrative, in particular Tom Brennan by J.C. Burke. They will analyse perspective and context to understand why this theme has endured different cultures and historical periods to remain popular. They will consider the relationship between the author, text and responder to develop their own creative text.

Concepts covered include: Narrative and Context


Year Level & Term: Year 10, Term 4

Prerequisites & Limitations: None

Suitability: All students 

What Students Learn:
Language and text shape our understanding of ourselves and our world. This allows us to relate with others, and contributes to our intellectual, social and emotional development. In English, students study language in its various textual forms, which develop in complexity, to understand how meaning is shaped, conveyed, interpreted, and reflected. 


Future Pathways:

The study of English underpins the other subject areas, empowering students to achieve their capabilities both in school and their later chosen career. English is a mandatory subject at HSC, as its real world application is recognised as significant for students and this is built upon within lessons. 


There are no costs associated with this module.