CAPA Courses
Years 11 & 12

Rohan Fahey

Study in the Creative and Performing Arts provides students with strong discipline based knowledge and the fundamental skills, creative expertise, learning mindset and critical capabilities highly sought after for the 21st Century world of work. Creative Arts students experience and develop the complex skills required to create and test ideas, generate creative works with confidence, shape inquiry and critically evaluate and reflect on what they do. Study in the Arts prepares students to be significant producers and informed consumers of culture, innovative thinkers, agile problem solvers and articulate, thoughtful communicators. 


Board Developed Course | ATAR

Students in Drama study the practices of Making, Performing and Critically Studying. Students engage with these components through collaborative and individual experiences.

Preliminary Course (Year 11)

Content comprises an interaction between the components of Improvisation, Playbuilding and Acting, Elements of Production in Performance and Theatrical Traditions and Performance Styles. Learning comes from practical experiences in each of these areas.

HSC Course (Year 12)

Australian Drama and Theatre and Studies in Drama and Theatre involve theoretical study through practical exploration of themes, issues, styles and movements of traditions of theatre, exploring relevant acting techniques, performance styles and spaces. Learning comes from practical experiences in each of these areas.

The Group Performance (3-6 students) involves creating a piece of original theatre (8–12 minutes duration). It provides an opportunity for each student to demonstrate his or her performance skills.

For the Individual Project, students demonstrate their expertise in a particular area. They choose one project from Critical Analysis or Design or Performance or Script-writing or Video Drama.

Course Number: 15090

NESA Drama Stage 6 Syllabus

Number of Units: Two for each of the Preliminary Course (Year 11) and HSC Course (Year 12)

Minimum Hours: 120 hours of 'face to face' learning per year (4 hours per week).

Marks Available: 100 marks for the HSC Course (Year 12)

Exclusions: Projects developed for assessment in one subject are not to be used either in full or in part for assessment in any other subject.

Suitability: Students who like to work collaboratively and independently in an active classroom; who are creative, imaginative and organised and enjoy sustained engagement in project based learning driven by areas of personal interest. Students who are receiving a C grade or higher in English would be most suitable for this course.

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Main Topics Covered:

Preliminary Course:

HSC Course:

        Particular Course Requirements:

Please note that in some instances one drama class per week during both the Preliminary and HSC course may run after school. The particular day will be negotiated with students.

Up to $300 for non-compulsory excursion.

Music 1
Board Developed Course | ATAR

In the Preliminary and HSC courses, students will study the concepts of music through the learning experiences of performance, composition, musicology and aural skills within the context of a range of styles, periods and genres.

Preliminary Course (Year 11)

Students study three topics in the Preliminary course covering a broad range of styles, periods and genres. The curriculum structure is adaptable enough to meet the needs and interests of students with varying degrees of prior formal and informal learning in music and caters for students with less experience in Music. 

HSC Course (Year 12)

In the HSC course, students again study three topics. These are different from those studied in the Preliminary course, or may include one topic from the Preliminary course in greater depth exploring new repertoire and including a comparative study. Topics are chosen from a broad list of 21 which continue to cover a range of styles, periods and genres. In addition to core studies in performance, composition, musicology and aural, students select three electives from any combination of performance, composition and musicology. These electives must represent each of the three topics studied in the course.

Course Number: 15290

NESA Music 1 Stage 6 Syllabus

Number of Units: Two for each of the Preliminary Course (Year 11) and HSC Course (Year 12).

Minimum Hours: 120 hours of 'face to face' learning per year (4 hours per week).

Marks Available: 100 marks for the HSC Course (Year 12).

Exclusions: Music 2.

Suitability: Students who have experience and previous study in Music; who like to work collaboratively and independently; are creative, organised and prepared to engage in sustained instrumental practise outside of school hours. Students who are generally receiving a C grade or higher in English would be most suitable for this course.

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        Main Topics Covered:

Students study three topics in each year of the course. Topics are chosen from a list of 21 which covers a range of styles, periods and genres.

       Particular Course Requirements:

Up to $300 for non-compulsory excursion plus $25 to $40 per week for private vocal and instrumental lessons.

Visual Arts | New Technologies or Traditional Media 

Board Developed Course | ATAR

In an endeavour to give students the best teacher support and expertise students who wish to study Visual Arts can elect the New Technologies strand OR Traditional Media as a focus for their practical work. This allows students to ideally be placed in a New Technologies strand/class (in a computer room) with a focus on Digital Media, Film, Animation & Photography OR a Traditional Media class (art room) with a focus on more traditional media - painting, textiles, sculpture, printmaking etc. Please see 'More Information' below for details.

Visual Arts involves students in artmaking, art criticism and art history. Students develop their own artworks and art images culminating in a ‘Body of Work’ in the HSC course. Students critically and historically investigate artworks, critics, historians, artists from Australia as well as those from other cultures, traditions and times.

The Preliminary Course is broadly focused, while the HSC course provides for deeper and more complex investigations. While the course builds on Visual Arts courses in Stages 4 and 5, it also caters for students with more limited experience in Visual Arts.

When choosing Visual Arts as part of the course selection process students will be asked to indicate ONE particular artmaking strand that is of preference to them. These strands encompass New Technologies OR Traditional Media as outlined below. This allows students to be grouped in teaching spaces and with staff that are best suited to supporting their interests. This does not mean that students cannot explore the full spectrum of media outside of each of these strands, but offers a greater degree of focus as a starting point. 

Preliminary course learning opportunities focus on:

HSC course learning opportunities focus on:

Course Number: 15400

NESA Visual Arts Stage 6 Syllabus

Number of Units: Two for each of the Preliminary Course (Year 11) and HSC Course (Year 12).

Minimum Hours: 120 hours of 'face to face' learning per year (4 hours per week).

Marks Available: 100 marks for the HSC Course (Year 12).

Electives: Traditional Media OR New Technologies

Exclusions: Projects developed for assessment in either elective are not to be used either in full or in part for assessment in any other course. 

Suitability: Students who are creative, imaginative and enjoy representing, discussing and writing about ideas presented in visual forms; are organised, independent  problem solvers, and willing to engage with artmaking in a sustained manner. Students who consistently achieve a C grade or above in English would be most suitable for this course.

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Main Topics Covered: 

New Technologies artmaking strand: This Visual Arts strand provides opportunities for students to develop their artmaking practice in a wide range of mediums with a focus on the new technologies of digital media, digital photography, video, video installation and animation. Students will also be able to use traditional art making practices in conjunction with digital works if they desire. This strand will run, numbers permitting, as a stand alone Visual Arts class. It is recommended that students considering enrolling in this stream have previously studied Digital Media and Photography in Years 9 and 10.

Traditional Media artmaking strand: This Visual Arts strand provides opportunities for students to develop their artmaking practice in a wide range of mediums with a focus on drawing, painting, textiles, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, mixed media and some digital media.

       Particular Course Requirements:

General Requirements:

Preliminary Course:

HSC Course:

$100 for basic materials plus up to $300 for non-compulsory excursion.

Visual Design

Content Endorsed Course | Non ATAR

Preliminary Course One Unit Option

This course provides students with opportunities to exploit the links between art and design by designing and making images and objects in which aesthetic qualities and symbolic meanings are as important as utilitarian function. It encourages students to explore the practices of graphic, wearable, product, and interior/exterior designers in contemporary societies and promotes imaginative and innovative approaches to design within the context of the Australian environment and culture. 

Through the critical and historical study of designed images and objects students are able to analyse and make informed judgements about the designed works that surround them – works which reflect and construct the image they have of themselves, others and their world.

The course is designed to enable students to gain an increasing accomplishment and independence in their representation of ideas in different fields of design and to understand and value how graphic design, wearable design, product design, and interior/exterior design, invite different interpretations and explanations. Students develop knowledge, understanding and skills through the making of works in design that lead to and demonstrate conceptual and technical accomplishment. They also develop knowledge, understanding and skills that lead to increasingly accomplished critical and historical investigations of design.

Course Number: Year 11 (35100)

NESA Visual Design Stage 6 Syllabus

Number of Units: One Unit Preliminary Course (Year 11).

Minimum Hours: 60 hours of 'face to face' learning (2 hours per week).

Marks Available: This is a Content Endorsed NON ATAR Course.  Xavier will determine student achievement through internal assessment and the course is completed at the end of Year 11 or Term 3. 

Exclusions: Projects developed for assessment in one subject are not to be used either in full or in part for assessment in any other subject. 

Suitability: Students who would like to apply their creative talents to design products.

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What Students Learn: 

Modules may be selected in any of the four broad fields of:

The additional module, Individual/Collaborative Project, extends students’ learning experiences and may reflect students’ increasing interests and desire to specialise in one or more of these fields or explore the connections further between the fields. The Occupational Health and Safety Module is mandatory in any course.
