KHA Public Solicitations in the Schools


The School Committee will place limits on commercial activities and fund-raising activities in the schools for the following reasons:

  1. The school system should provide students, parents, and employees some measure of protection from solicitation by commercial and charitable fund-raising organizations.

  2. The school system should not give the public the impression of generally endorsing or sanctioning commercial and fund-raising activities.

  3. Commercial and fund-raising activities may disrupt school routines and cause loss of instructional time.

Following these guiding statements, the Superintendent and Principals may permit occasional commercial or fund-raising activities reĀ­lated to the objectives of the schools with the following exceptions:

  1. No direct solicitation of students or employees may take place without Superintendent permission.

  2. No general or class distribution of commercial or fund-raising literature may take place without Superintendent permission.

For the purposes of this policy, local PTO groups and groups representing school system employees will be considered "school groups" and will be governed by the Committee's policy on staff solicitations.

LEGAL REF.: M.G.L. c.44:53A

CROSS REFS.: GBEBC, Solicitations by Staff

KHB, Advertising in the Schools