KCD Public Gifts to the Schools


The Superintendent will have authority to accept gifts and offers of equipment for the schools in the name of the Committee when the gift is of educational value, except in the case of cash donations or in the case when gifts would result in recurring significant annual costs. For these exceptions, the School Committee must accept the gifts.

Gifts will automatically become the property of the school system. Any gift of cash, whether or not intended by the donor for a specific purpose, will be handled as a separate account and accepted and expended at the discretion of the Committee, as provided by law.

In the case of school support organizations such as the PTO, CAPA, Boosters, the Wayland Public Schools Foundation and the Boston Parent Council, the Superintendent will accept as a gift each organization’s budget (which describes how the funds will be spent) at an appropriate time near the beginning of the school year and accept as a gift their actual expenditures (how the funds were actually spent) at an appropriate time near the completion of the school year. Any deviation from the submitted budget that results in a philosophical change in how the funds will be spent must be accepted as a gift by the Superintendent before the change occurs.

Gifts that would involve significant changes in school plants or sites (valued at over $10,000) or would result in recurring significant annual costs will be subject to School Committee approval.

The Committee directs the Superintendent to assure that an appropriate expression of thanks is given all donors.


LEGAL REF.: M.G.L. 71:37A

CROSS REF.: KJA Relations with Support Organizations

Approved September 19, 2016