GBEB: Staff Conduct

File: GBEB


All staff members have a responsibility to familiarize themselves with and abide by all state and federal laws as these apply to their work, the policies of the School Committee, and the regulations designed to implement them.

In the area of personal conduct, the Committee expects that teachers and staff will conduct themselves in a manner that not only reflects positively on the school system but also sets forth a model worthy of emulation by students. The Wayland Public Schools shall consider behavior in violation of the standards of conduct which occurs in a digital, cyber or non-face-to-face environment the same as behavior in violation of the standards of conduct in a traditional or physical environment.

All staff members will be expected to carry out their assigned responsibilities with conscientious concern.

The Wayland Public Schools will not tolerate harassing or discriminatory conduct that affects employment or educational conditions, that interferes unreasonably with an individual’s school or work performance or that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or school environment.

Essential to the success of ongoing school operations and the instructional program are the following specific responsibilities, which will be required of all personnel:

  1. Faithfulness and promptness in attendance at work.

  2. Support and enforcement of policies of the Committee and their implementing regulations and school rules in regard to students.

  3. Diligence in submitting required reports promptly at the times specified.

  4. Care and protection of school property.

  5. Concern for and attention to their own and the school system’s legal responsibility for the safety and welfare of students, including the need to ensure that students are under supervision at all times.

  6. Awareness of and compliance with Special Education laws and regulations.

  7. Maintain professional relationships with students and staff at all times

  8. Report known or suspected school-related misconduct and/or questionable behavior on the part of fellow employees and volunteers.

  9. Maintain confidential information.

  10. Treat students, staff and the community with respect, consideration and civility.

  11. Compliance with mandated reporting regulations of suspected child abuse or neglect.

  12. Adherence to procedures as outlined in the employee handbook.

LEGAL REFS.: M.G.L. c.71:37H; 264:11; 264:14

Approved by the School Committee January 12, 2022