JFABE Educational Opportunities for Military Children


A. Nonresident students whose parents plan to move to Wayland during the school year may be permitted to enroll in the fall in the Wayland Schools in accordance with the Residency Guidelines.

B. The child of a resident who moves from the community after February 1 may be permitted to finish the school year in the Wayland Schools.

C. The child of a resident who moves from the community will be permitted to finish the entire senior year at Wayland High School provided that:

      1. Appropriate transportation or living arrangements shall have been made;

      2. The student’s past school history, both personal and academic, has been thoroughly reviewed;

      3. The Superintendent approves of all arrangements and conditions under which the student will function during the senior year.

Children of Nonresident Teachers

Any child of a nonresident teacher who fulfills the minimum age requirement for attendance in the Wayland Public Schools may be permitted by the School Committee to attend the Wayland Public Schools in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement with the Wayland Teachers Association.

Children of Nonresident Administrators

Contingent upon School Committee approval, any child of a nonresident administrator who fulfills the minimum age requirement for attendance in the Wayland Public Schools shall be permitted to attend the Wayland Public Schools on the same basis as a child of a non-resident teacher.

LEGAL REF.: Collective Bargaining Agreement with Wayland Teachers Association

Approved by School Committee 9/19/16