Lunch Account Balances at Year End (EFDA)

Lunch Account Balances at Year-End

Dear Parent or Guardian: As the year winds down, parents may be wondering what will happen to the money in their child’s lunch account at the end of the school year. Here are some general guidelines which should answer these questions:

  1. If your child will be returning to the Wayland Public Schools in the fall, the remaining balance at the end of the current school year will become the beginning balance for the upcoming school year.

  2. If your child will not be returning to the Wayland Public Schools (graduating or withdrawing) and there is a sibling who will be remaining in the schools, the balance can be transferred to the sibling. Please email or Be sure to include the name and grade of both the student leaving and the student remaining at the schools.

  3. If your child will not be returning to the Wayland Public Schools (graduating or withdrawing) and there is NOT a sibling remaining in the schools:

a. You may request a refund check by emailing or You must include the student’s name, grade and current mailing address.

b. You may also choose to donate the remaining balance to the school lunch fund. Please email or to authorize the donation. Please be sure to include the student’s name and grade.

c. All refunds must be requested no later than August 15th.