JQ Fees and Collection Process


Fees Charged to Students:

The School Committee recognizes that it may be necessary to charge fees to fund certain school-related services, programs and activities, such as Transportation, Full-Day Kindergarten, Athletics, Computer Maintenance, Elementary Instrumental Music, Lost Books, extra-curricular and after-school/summer activities. A school may exact a fee or charge only upon School Committee approval, however the schools may:

  • Charge students enrolled in certain courses for the cost of materials used in projects that will become the property of the student.

  • Charge for lost and damaged books, materials, supplies, and equipment.

The School Committee may waive/reduce the fee for any student providing evidence of financial hardship. This process shall be confidential. Exempt students are still responsible for charges as a result of lost and damaged books, locks, materials, supplies, and equipment.

All fees, both optional and required, will be made accessible to students and families. The notice will advise students that fees are to be paid and of the penalties for their failure to pay them. Permissible penalties include the denial of participation in extra-curricular class activities while the student is enrolled in this District.

Any fee or charge due to any school in the District and not paid at the end of the school year will be carried forward to the next succeeding school year, as such debts are considered to be debts of the student to the District and not to a particular school.

Checks Returned for Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) and Balances Owed with No Response by Parent/Guardian:

If a student's account is not in good standing at the end of the school year, the administration may take one or more of the following actions, unless or until the deficit balance is paid in full:

  • Prohibit participation of the student in the program.

  • Prohibit participation of student or students in the student's household from participating in any future fee-based program, extra-curricular activity, or non-curricular school activity; or until or unless outstanding balances are resolved.

  • Referral to small claims court and/or District Attorney's Office.

Approved to put out for public comment July 23, 2018

Policy approved by School Committee September 12, 2018