BIA New School Committee Member Orientation


In accordance with the requirements of the law, each new School Committee member elected to the Wayland School Committee is required to complete, within one year of their election or appointment, at least eight hours of orientation training. This orientation shall include, but is not limited to, a review of School Finance, the Open Meeting Law, Public Records Law, Conflict of Interest Law, Special Education Law, Collective Bargaining, School Leadership Standards and Evaluations, and the Roles and Responsibilities of School Committee Members.

The School Committee and Superintendent shall assist each new member to understand the Committee's functions, policies and procedures of the Committee as soon after election as possible. Each new member shall be given or provided direct online access to the following materials:

  1. A copy of the School Committee policy manual

  2. A copy of the Open Meeting Law

  3. A copy of the Ethics/Conflict of Interest Regulations

  4. A copy of the District's budget

  5. Collective bargaining agreements and contracts

  6. Student and staff handbooks

Each new member shall also receive any other materials the Chair and/or the Superintendent determine to be appropriate.

The Chair and/or Superintendent shall also clarify policy:

  1. arranging visits to schools or administrative offices

  2. requesting information regarding school district operations

  3. responding to community requests/complaints concerning staff or programs

  4. handling confidential information

Whether appointed or elected, new members should be advised that they are also members of the Massachusetts Association of School Committees, Inc. and should be encouraged to utilize the services and resources MASC provides by attending meetings or workshops specifically designed for new Committee members. Their expenses at these meetings or workshops will be reimbursed in accordance with established School Committee policy.

SOURCE: MASC July 2016


BBBA/BBBB School Committee Member Qualifications/Oath of Office

LEGAL REF.: M.G.L. c.71:36A

School Committee Approval: July 23, 2018