More Able Students

The Vyne aims to provide a stimulating environment where students’ needs are recognised irrespective of background, culture or ability.

We aim to:

We wish to respond to the needs of students who are recognised as having exceptional abilities for their age by providing a suitably challenging environment, both curricular and extra-curricular, that supports the development of these abilities and skills.

The Vyne offers a broad and balanced curriculum to support the needs of all students through which it:

Definition and Identification High attaining students are those who:

Identifying high attaining students:

A high attaining student is identified by way of their Key Stage 2 scores and is measured as such for the purposes of DfE published progress performance measures at the end of KS4. CAT scores and reading/spelling tests are used to triangulate this data and identify anomalous results. Equally, CAT scores and reading tests are used to identify students of high cognitive ability but who, for whatever reason, have not performed well in their SATs.

Some students with high prior attainment are easily identifiable. They might be motivated, inquisitive, well-behaved and well-organised. They will often present work well and complete tasks, including homework, on time and to a good standard. However, it is important that good behaviour, good presentation and the swift completion of work does not disguise a lack of stretch in the individual student’s work. Individual student data should always be used, in conjunction with effective classroom management, to ensure that high attaining students are challenged at all times.

It is also worth remembering that high attaining students may be:

Able and Talented students are those who:

Identifying able and talented students

An able and talented student is one who ‘has the capacity for, or demonstrates, high levels of performance in one or more areas of the curriculum’.

Curriculum areas that are deemed to be ‘practical’ in nature should identify students who demonstrate exceptional ability in Art, Drama, Music, the Performing Arts, or Physical Education. Included within this area are:

Provision for high attaining, able and talented students The Vyne provides high attaining, able and talented students with their full entitlement to the National Curriculum and provides access to curriculum enhancement and, where appropriate, beyond the curriculum.

Examples of the types of provision available at The Vyne School are:

Classroom differentiation

Other types of provision:

Out of school provision


The programme for high attaining, able and talented students includes sessions held in school and led by school staff or external speakers, as well as visits to universities, etc. The aim of the programme will be to offer different experiences to broaden the perspectives of the high attaining, able and talented cohort. In addition, the opportunity to meet with other high attaining, able and talented students, sometimes across year groups, should be supported.

A wide range of extra curricular activities is currently available to students, which provides all students with the opportunity to discover and/or develop their skills and abilities. These opportunities are constantly being expanded and developed. Those students identified as high attaining, able and talented are encouraged to take part in appropriate activities, which extend and challenge their thinking as well as encouraging them to take responsibility for their own development. Staff and tutors are aware of those high attaining, able and talented students in their care and encourage them towards appropriate activities.