Literacy Programme

Literacy at The Vyne

We are currently in the second year of our drive to improve the literacy skills of our students at The Vyne. Every year students sit reading and spelling tests with data analysed carefully by school leaders. We found that there is a strong link between low reading ages and low attendance. In addition to this, low reading ages present further problems for students including their ability to:

● access the curriculum

● complete home learning

● perform well in public examinations

We regularly survey the students, asking them to define 15 randomly selected words from the tier 2 programme to measure the impact of the tutor programme. This analysis has shown a large positive effect in Years 7 and 8. The effect of the programme is not as pronounced in Year 9,10 and 11 but there is still a significant impact on words that were poorly defined at the start of the year. We would really appreciate your support on stressing the importance of a rich vocabulary to our older students, as it improves their reading comprehension.