Year Group System

At the Vyne Community School, the care, guidance and support of our pupils is most important to us. The support given to pupils is very strong across all year groups. Our pupils need to feel safe and secure in order to thrive academically and socially. The pastoral teams work hard to ensure that this is the case and to help pupils and their families deal with challenges as and when they arise.

The school promotes a strong caring ethos where every child is treated as an individual. A wholehearted interest in the welfare and progress of all children is an essential quality for everyone working in the school.

If pupils are to achieve their full potential they need to feel happy and secure within the school community. Our pastoral system plays a key role in our commitment to promote The Vyne Values and British Values by instilling in all students a clear sense of right and wrong by being tolerant and respectful of the needs of all members of our school community.

Pupils in each year group are organised into tutor groups with a tutor who may usually look after the group for the majority of their time at The Vyne.

The first point of contact for pupils and parents/carers should be the relevant form tutor, as they handle day to day matters and give advice where needed or requested.

The next point of contact is the Head of Year who oversee all of the form tutors and who handle a range of issues concerning student welfare and happiness, concerns over attendance and punctuality as well as dealing with discipline issues.

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11