Open Evening - Thursday 26th September 2024 6pm - 8pm

Coffee Morning - Monday 30th September 2024 9.15am - 10.30am for South View and Four Lanes

Coffee Morning - Tuesday 1st October 2024 9.15am - 10.30am for Oakridge and other schools

If you hope to attend please register your interest by completing the link below:


Activites Week 2024







Online Safety

Preloved Uniform

Work Experience

Year 11

Vyne mock interview day

Your Child's Health

Due to current pressures on the NHS, we have been asked that schools promote the Healthier Together resource for parents to get advice and guidance about their child's health and well-being.  Healthier Together should be the first point of call for parents. The platform has a number of accessibility functions: when touched, the text will be read aloud; parents may select their country's flag and all the pages will be translated into their language; and the font size can also be increased. Thank you for your help in sharing this important information. The following link will enable you to access the poster should you experience any issues -

Please check out some of the fantastic pieces of art produced by our talented students.

Some of this artwork is even on display at the Basingstoke train station

The Grange Festival

This Spring The Grange Festival have continued their inspirational collaboration with WWF, this time focusing on food sustainability, examining how we produce, eat and often waste our food. Essential to our everyday life, do we consider the effect that our food consumption has on our planet? We were shocked to learn over a third of our food is wasted.
The Grange Festival's creative teams and students from our partner Basingstoke schools debated and discussed how we could improve our eating habits. They responded and expressed their thoughts by writing their own text, composing music to create their own, original songs to represent their opinions.

Collaboration with WWF

This summer, Learning@TheGrange, in collaboration with WWF, has given a voice to nearly 250 young people aged seven to 23 years, to express their hopes for a sustainable future.

Through interactive workshops guided by exceptional creative professionals, groups from ten schools and educational institutions discussed and debated different global landscapes from the Amazon Rainforest to our Ancient Woodlands here in the UK. They examined WWF’s scientific truths, explored the steps that countries and individuals need to take to drive transformative change and developed a vision for the future.

In responding, they were encouraged to dig deep into their imaginations. They wrote text, composed music and choreographed dance to represent how they want life to be on our living planet. Their songs were filmed and illustrated with WWF footage.

These films are intended to be shown at a number of global conferences, including COP26 in November, to drive conversations about how to sustain life on Earth.

The Vyne Community School is a wonderful school where every student is nurtured and challenged to achieve their full potential.
I am very proud to be the Headteacher at The Vyne, where I and my team strive to always provide the very best education for all our students. As a community school we pride ourselves on being friendly, welcoming and focussed on delivering individual support, advice and guidance to all our students. Every child, whilst part of our school community, is treated as an individual and encouraged to reach their full potential. We think of ourselves as a family, sharing each other’s successes and dealing with challenges together. Our “Vyne Values” embody the attributes we uphold within our school.Whilst academic success is vitally important for all our students to help enhance their life chances in the future, we believe that school is also about nurturing confident young learners who are resilient, tolerant of others, proud of their own achievements, and determined to be the best they possibly can be. Our dedicated teaching and support staff work tirelessly to help make this happen.We are very proud of the close relationships we have with the local community and we believe that by working successfully with parents and carers, together we can help create happy, confident and successful young people.If you would like to come and have a look at what we do, we would be delighted to welcome you and show you around.
Nicola PearceHeadteacher