
The Vyne Community School is committed to ensuring a happy and successful place of learning. We provide a culture of excellence, opportunity, diversity and acceptance to allow all learners to thrive.

Our Vision is:

Our vision is to provide an ambitious high-quality education for every student whatever their starting point; delivered in a positive, respectful  environment where everyone feels safe and is valued, developed and supported to achieve their full potential both academically and more widely  as a member of our community. 

There are five strands to the vision we have for our school to create a purposeful culture 

1. Demonstrate Respect in all we do 

2. Strong achievement and outcomes for all 

3. High Expectations of all to be excellent in all we do 

4. Recognise and celebrate effort and achievement 

5. Develop independent, resilient students with self-belief to tackle any challenges in future life 


School Council

Year Groups