
Head of Department
Miss A Dewey


With the impact of climate change, international migration and natural disasters like earthquakes, fires and floods hitting the headlines on a daily basis there can surely be no better time to study Geography. Here at The Vyne our Geography curriculum includes inspiring content delivered through a range of contrasting topic areas, encapsulating both the Geography of the UK and the rest of the world. The study of Geography is brought to life through engaging enquiry questions supporting students’ knowledge and understanding in the world around them.

At KS3 students follow our Geography curriculum map (see below). Geographers are important decision makers within society and we develop these skills within the classroom by supporting students in formulating their own ideas about how we can tackle issues at a range of scales in a sustainable way. In addition, our geographers develop skills in cartography, graphology and statistics alongside the ability to construct geographical reports

Extra Curricular Activities within Geography at KS3

Fieldwork is an important component of Geography and we offer field visits in all years. These include:

A rivers study in the New Forest.

A coastal study in Dorset.

Investigation of tropical rainforests at Kew Gardens.

Visit to the Natural History Museum to analyse tectonic hazards.

An assessment of the impact of TNCs and Fair Trade at Cadbury World.

Fieldwork is also supported throughout our Geography curriculum here at The Vyne through local studies including the investigation of microclimates, environmental quality and the evidence and impact of weathering.

Geography at GCSE

GCSE Geography enables learners to build on their previous knowledge and skills to develop, extend and apply their knowledge of locations, places, environments and processes. Students will gain an understanding of the interactions between people and environments, change in places and processes over space and time, and the interrelationship between geographical phenomena. Students will travel the world from their classroom, exploring case studies in the United Kingdom and at a range of contrasting locations around the world. Our Vyne Geographers will gain a broad and holistic understanding of current issues including climate change, poverty, deprivation, global shifts in economic power and the challenge of sustainable resource use. Students are also encouraged to understand their role in society, by considering different viewpoints, values and attitudes. Students will also develop and extend their competence in a range of skills including those used in fieldwork, in using maps and Geographical Information Systems (GIS).

Our GCSE Geography course teaches students to ‘Think like a Geographer’ supporting progression to the further study of Geography alongside a wide range of other subjects.

Here at The Vyne we follow the AQA GCSE (9-1) Geography specification which is structured as followed:


Fieldwork is an essential component of Geography and is assessed within component three of the AQA GCSE (9-1) specification. Our GCSE geographers will complete fieldwork in two contrasting locations – one supporting the study of human geography and the second supporting the study of physical geography. This can include (but is not limited to) the investigation of coastal management along Swanage Bay, Dorset and urban regeneration projects within London.

Possible Career Paths:

This course will suit any student interested in working in the travel and tourism industry, any career linked to managing the environment such as monitoring global warming, pollution, flood protection, coastal erosion etc. It is also useful for careers as diverse as those in retailing, the diplomatic service, aid agencies and weather forecasting. Skills learned are used in cartography and using ICT to predict hazards such as the path of tropical storms.

Geographical and fieldwork skills are embedded throughout the content ensuring learners become both adaptable and resilient no matter what their future pathway. Our new GCSE course also supports students for excellent progression on to A Level Geography.

The study of geography is about more than just memorizing places on a map. It's about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents. And in the end, it's about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together.

Barack Obama