School Information

Leadership Team

Head Teacher   Nicola Pearce

Deputy Headteacher Rachel Carter

Assistant Headteacher Sarah Audley

Assistant Headteacher Lawrie Carter

Appointments Parent Contact with School

Parents and carers are advised that they should make an appointment if they wish to see a member of staff. They are asked to make appointments with the Headteacher, Deputy Head or an Assistant Head if it concerns a serious pastoral or welfare matter. Other staff will be asked to these meetings where appropriate or information will be passed on subsequently. 

If a parent or carer wishes to speak to a member of staff on a pastoral or work-related issue it would be appreciated if the first contact could be by telephone or letter. Members of staff are usually teaching during the day and where possible contact will be made within 24 hours. If the matter needs to be dealt with immediately, parents should telephone the Receptionist or Family Support Team who will take a message if the relevant member of staff cannot be found. Please give as much detail as possible when speaking to the Receptionist or Family Support Worker; you will then be contacted either by the member of teaching staff or the House/Senior Guidance Leader if it is a pastoral matter, or the Subject Leader if it is subject related.

Department for Education performance data.
In 2022/23 there was a return to pre-pandemic standards for GCSEs. For non GCSEs many students, results from 2021/22 adapted assessments were used towards qualifications in 2022/23.  Current published results can be found here :-

Exam Results
Due to the Covid Pandemics there were no official performance data for the school years for 2020-2021 and 2021-2022.

*Standard Pass GCSE 4+ or Non GCSE Level 2 Pass 

GCSE Examination Results 

Mobile Phones

For reasons of safety, we allow students to bring a mobile phone for use to and from school but do not accept any responsibility for loss or damage while on the school premises. Phones may be carried on the person but may not be visible or switched on during the school day. Where a student needs to use the telephone, they should report to the main reception. If a student is seen using a mobile phone, it will be confiscated and returned at the end of the school day. Parents are asked not to text or phone their child’s mobile if they need to contact them during the day, but instead to telephone the Receptionist who will ensure that a message is passed on.


Your child can only make the most of what this school has to offer if he or she attends regularly and punctually. Irregular attendance and lateness is disruptive, leading to students feeling out of touch with school life and being constantly behind in their schoolwork. 

Having a good education will help to give your child the best possible start in life. Excellent attendance is a key factor in achieving success at school.

There will be occasions when your child is unable to attend school because of illness or other unavoidable causes. It is therefore vital that you as a parent communicate with the school to inform them of the nature and expected duration of any absences. The school will then be able to decide whether or not the absence can be authorised.

All students are expected to be in school and with their tutor by 8.30am. Students arriving after this time will be marked late and are expected to make up the time at the end of the school day.

If your child needs to be absent from school or will be late into school we ask that you call the school on 01256 473003 (answer phone out of hours) or via before 8.30am.  This is very important as it helps us to ensure the safety and whereabouts of your child. If we do not receive a call then we will check that your child is not in class and a text message will be sent to parents if we are unable to locate them.

If your child misses registration (8.30am to 8.50am), it is vitally important that they sign in the late book at reception before going to class.

It is important to understand why some children do not attend school:

If you, as a family, are experiencing problems with school attendance, it is of vital importance that you contact and discuss the matter with our Attendance assistant or an alternative relevant member of staff such as your child’s Tutor or Year Leader as soon as possible. Everyone in school is here to help, support and advise.

More information on attendance is available in these leaflets:

Each year a number of parents contact the school regarding family holidays within term time. Government guidelines are very clear in that no leave of absence should be granted unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Request for Leave of Absence

We would like to bring to your notice that, under the Education Act 1996; it is the duty of parent(s)/responsible adult(s) to ensure the regular attendance of their child in school. This means that s/he must be in attendance, and on time, every time the school is open, unless s/he is prevented from doing so by reason of illness or any unavoidable cause. If parents take their children on holiday in term time and leave of absence has not been granted, the Local Education Authority may issue a Penalty  Notice under Section 444(1) of the Education Act 1996. The Penalty Notice imposes a fine of up to £120 per parent per child. Local Authorities are charged in law with enforcing school attendance. If you wish to obtain more information or advice please contact the Hants Direct Parent Line, telephone 0300 5551384.

Information on Penalty Notices for Non-Attendance at School Leaflet

School Transport Applications for September 2023