
Thank you for visiting our page and a very warm welcome form the Governors of the Vyne Community School.

So what is our role as governors?

In my view, our role is to embed ourselves into the school’s ethos; understand the needs of the whole school and establish a working relationship with the school’s head and her team to ensure open and transparent conversations can take place that ensure all aspects of school governance are carried out in a robust and fair manner. This is achieved by regular communications and committee meetings covering every aspect of school life and educational provision. This is further supported by frequent governor school visits to assess specific areas such pastoral and SEN provision. In short the governing body is there to hold the Vyne accountable for its whole school approach in a way that is fair and supportive.

Who are your governing body?

The governing body that supports the school is made of a diverse group of parent and co- opted individuals with a wide range of backgrounds and skill sets. These varied skill sets are essential in ensuring all aspects of governance are sufficiently covered with a good knowledge base. Where specific skills are identified for governors’ appropriate training is provided via Hampshire Educational Services, along with regular training to ensure the committee is up to date with any legislation changes. In summary we are a committed and passionate committee who share a common value, to ensure the Vyne is a safe, all-inclusive and open environment that provides challenging and engaging learning opportunities for your children.

Chair of Governors summary:

Being part of the governing body for the past 6 years as a co-opted governor I can honestly say that together we have achieved great success in developing the Vyne and its links with our local community. The great trust and partnership we have with the head teacher and her team ensures that we can achieve great success together which flows down to the whole school. This is something that I feel immensely proud to be part of and I hope that you feel that we have your childrens’ welfare and best interests to heart.

All minutes from our various committee meetings are public records of the work we undertake on behalf of everyone with an interest in the school. If you wish to read a set of minutes, please contact the Clerk to the Governors, through the

David Ross, Chair of Governors

Contact the Chair of Governors, in the first instance via e-mail

Chair of Governors
Mr D Ross

Co-opted Governor
Mr A Day
Mr M Erinjeri
Mr R Gray
Mrs J Handford
Mrs L Jones
Mrs V Renault
Mr D  Ross
Mr J Taylor
Mr D Trevelion

Parent Governor
Mrs A Welch

Headteacher Governor
Mrs N Pearce

Staff Governor
Miss A Dewey

Mrs C Dance


Mrs N Pearce
The Vyne School
RG21 5PB

Telephone: 01256 473003