



What did Ofsted say? (April 2022)

A busy programme of clubs means that pupils have regular opportunities to develop their interests and talents. “Leaders actively encourage pupils to take part in as many activities as possible.”


“At the heart of The Vyne is an ambition for all pupils to succeed.” This ambition is equally high for pupils with SEND. The curriculum ensures that pupils learn a broad range of subjects. “Leaders have thought methodically about what it is that they want pupils to learn and when. However, in some of the foundation subjects, they are in the process of making this even clearer. “Leaders’ plans to achieve this are well under way.


“The curriculum is taught well and teachers’ expertise makes a difference to what pupils achieve in lessons. Capturing the attention of pupils is something that most teachers do successfully. Teachers plan interesting lessons. “Exploring new ideas and concepts, talking with peers and being exposed to a variety of tasks all come together to provide an enjoyable learning experience.”


The school’s reading curriculum has been a focus. “Staff recognise the importance of pupils being able to read so that they experience success in the classroom. Many opportunities for pupils to read help to improve their fluency and confidence. “Support for those who struggle is provided by well-trained staff who use phonics to help pupils with reading.


“Pupils’ understanding of the world, and of important issues, are developed through the school’s well-planned personal, social and health education programme.” Assemblies and ‘drop-down days’, when some of the school day is devoted to pupils exploring a particular theme, support pupils’ personal development well. Diversity and equality are themes that staff and pupils have spent time discussing.

Curriculum Offer:

KS3: All students follow a common curriculum during their first three years. Most classes are taught in mixed ability groups whilst some, such as Maths and Science, are set by ability.  All students study French from Year 7, and a broad curriculum that encompasses the core subjects of English, maths, science, RE and PE but also computing, design technology, dance, food and nutrition, music, drama, history and geography. In Years 7 and 8 dance, craft, computing, food, design technology, health and fitness are delivered in the form of a carousel.

KS4: Students in Years 10 and 11 follow a common core curriculum and are guided from Year 9 to choose additional subjects from a variety of academic and vocational courses depending on appropriate individual challenge, preferred learning style and future aspirations. The full list of Options taken in Year 11 is listed below in the List of Study Areas.  We have chosen for our students to select  3 Option Choices to enable them to have more curriculum time to help support them achieve the very best possible outcomes.  Where possible we encourage students to take a GCSE in their home language if they have English as an additional language.

List of Study Areas and Corresponding Exam Boards: