
Head of Department
Mr T Poet

Art  at the Vyne enables pupils to become visually articulate, to develop skills and imagination and to become more aware of the world in which they live. It encourages them to work independently and collaboratively.


The Vyne Art department’s mission is to promote the enjoyment of Art, Craft and Design for all pupils. We encourage creativity, sensitivity, imagination, presentation skills and powers of observation.


We aim to widen pupils’ cultural horizons by introducing them to the varied work of artists, craftspersons and designers from all cultures and enriching their personal resources. We look at a range of both traditional and contemporary practitioners and encourage pupils to study these for themselves. We also encourage pupils to make links between Art and Design and other areas of the curriculum. 



The Vyne Art department follows a course which recognises and embraces the National Curriculum attainment target for Art, Craft and Design. Throughout Key Stage 3, pupils develop skills in drawing, painting, printing, and 3 dimensional work.

Year 7 themes include formal elements as well as exploring African masks and the work of Picasso. They will explore lino reduction print as well as many traditional media such as oil pastel, paint chalk and charcoal. They will refine their skills and understanding of mark making, composition and colour. They are also introduced to many key artists and craftspeople from across history.

Year 8 themes include Fantastic Buildings as well as Hybrid Creatures. We focus more on applying and refining the core skills and techniques we learned in year 7 and there is more focus on the creative and personal outcomes they produce as well as applying key artists style to their own work and ideas. They will be introduced to further artists and craftspeople across history and their other works to further widen their knowledge of the art world.

Year 9 sees pupils explore portraiture where they will create their own self portrait as a final piece in term 1. They will learn about proportions as well as build upon their skills and creativity from year 7 and 8. They will then move onto a collaborative print project with DT where they will create a printed pattern for the stools they are creating in the workshop. This work culminated in a finished stool with a printed fabric top they have created. In term three students will explore pop art and work with 3D modelling to create a pop art inspired 3D model.


Many pupils continue to study Art and/or Photography to GCSE level. At Key Stage 4, pupils are responsible for researching and gathering information on a chosen topic and for selecting the most suitable medium in which to work. Pupils have to produce a portfolio of artwork over the 2 years as well as undertaking a controlled test over 10 hours. Pupils currently follow the AQA exam board syllabus.

Some of the current topics studied have included; Jam Jar and Containers, Landscape & Close up. Pupils have also produced work in response to visits to the Tate galleries as well as the National gallery.

Students in Year 7 and 9 have one lesson a week with Year 7 also having a 10 week rotational course on Printmaking. In Year 8 students have two lessons a week. GCSE students have 4 lessons a week and are required to attend once a week after school.


The Art Department Staff:


Mr T Poet Curriculum Lead

Mr S Wey Art Teacher and Print Specialist

Mrs K Penny Art Technician and Textiles Specialist