Anti Bullying

At The Vyne Community School we strive to ensure that we create an environment where everyone, including staff, students and parents feels included, happy and safe to flourish in our school. We work closely with our community to build a respectful and caring school where we accept and respect differences. We are a “Telling” school, if someone says something, or does something you don’t like, do not retaliate - tell someone. 

This area of school work is currently being reviewed to ensure that we deliver best practice so that everyone feels confident that they know how to manage any difficulties with peer issues or bullying. We have consulted with the school community and our definition of bullying is below. 

The Vyne Definition of Bullying

Bullying is any behaviour which causes physical, mental or emotional hurt, online or face to face. It can happen between friends, when a thoughtless or deliberately intentionally cruel comment or joke causes hurt to others, this can also include leaving someone out or excluding them from activities.This is a behaviour which is persistent, it happens more than once and makes it hard for the target to defend themselves. 

Written by the Vyne Student Body December 2019 

We have also created our tiered response in consultation with staff and students to make sure that on the rare occasions when bullying does occur it is dealt with fairly and robustly offering support to both the target and perpetrator.We are currently building the role of our peer ambassadors to support their fellow students and undertaking staff training to empower them to challenge and tackle this issue if they come across it. Our Anti Bullying Charter and updated policy will be completed during the Spring term 2020. Our Anti-Bullying Charter will be a shared agreement of how we will treat each other and indicates that as a school we work proactively, and take seriously any concerns raised.We will submit our portfolio of evidence of the work we have done in this area to The Bullying Intervention Group for external moderation and validation by Easter 2020.

Report it

Any concerns regarding bullying should be raised first with tutors or Year Leaders, this can be in person or via the “Report The Bully” button on the front page of the school website

Support |

Bullying Alert

If you are experiencing bullying in school or know someone who is then please click the button to report this. 

Tiered response to bullying at The Vyne School

1. Friendship Fallout or Isolated Incident between Pupils – Not Bullying 


Restorative Conversation / Apology - Actioned by Anti- Bullying Group/Tutor/ Pupil Support and Guidance Manager (SIMs entry Peer Issue or Report Sheet) 

2. Repetition of choice towards others which causes upset or distress – Potentially Bullying Behaviour 


Restorative Justice / Apology AND Sanction (HOY Detention) – Actioned by HOY (Parents informed)

3. Continuation of choices towards others which fit the Vyne Community School definition of Bullying –Behaviour

Action – triggered by Pupil Support and Guidance Manager

Behaviour Support Meeting Actioned by HOY, tutor invited and wherever possible parents

Actions agreed to support Bully in changing behaviours, refer to JSR if appropriate

Standard Letter to Parents informing of meeting, Acceptable Behaviour Contract signed by Student. 1 hour detention with rehabilitation video to watch. 

4. Following HOY meeting persistent choices towards others which fit The Vyne Community School definition of Bullying – Behaviour

Actioned by HOY and SLT 


Sanctions – Internal Exclusion (following signing of Behaviour Contract)

Support – JSR/ Pupil Support and Guidance Manager feedback to Case Review / HOY on progress and barriers

HOY/ SLT informs parents of pupils continued choices 

5. Continued persistent choices which fit The Vyne Community School definition of Bullying Behaviour 


SLT refer to HeadteacherActioned by SLTSanction – potentially Fixed Term Exclusion or removal from lessons to Internal Isolation Room

SLT / Headteacher meeting with parents

How to Report Bullying or Harassment

You can use the Bullying Alert button to make an anonymous report of an issue to the Family Support Team. If you'd like to report something that you think we need to know, then please complete the ‘Bullying Alert’ form. We will combine this with any other relevant information we have in order to decide what action we will take. Anything you write can be sent anonymously HOWEVER we can give you more support if you decide to share your name etc. We will also then be able to provide feedback of any actions we have taken. Thanks for taking the time to contact us

The Vyne School Anti Bullying Policy - click for details