
Head of Department
Mr Allnutt

In Key Stage 3, (Years 7 & 8) we offer an exciting but challenging curriculum. Students are exposed to a range of enquiry based approaches to learning about science. Students will develop the scientific skills: analysing, communicating, enquiring and solving in a broad range of topics that will build knowledge and application skills in preparation for Key Stage 4.

AQA KS3 scheme:

KS3 Topic list and order.

In Key Stage 4, (Years 9, 10 & 11) all pupils study the AQA Combined Trilogy Award, which is a nationally recognised linear qualification, giving them the opportunity to leave school with two GCSE grades. When studying the Combined Trilogy qualification students will learn key themes from Biology, Chemistry and Physics over three years. The award has six separate exams in Year 11 with 2 exams for each discipline. 

Students who attain highly in science in Year 9 may pick the option to study Triple Science, which consists of three separate Biology, Chemistry and Physics exam grades. Students who choose Triple Science should be considering continuing Science to A-Level, as the subject content becomes demanding, but in a way which compliments further study in the Sciences post-GCSE.

All students now sit linear exams at the end of Year 11.and revision guides are available to purchase from our Science Technicians for £5.60 for Combined Trilogy and £8.75 for Triple Science. We strongly recommend students acquire these helpful resources to support their studies. 

AQA Trilogy specification: