Testing the Kit

To test your kit, you need to 

You can learn more about this testing application below.


The BoardTest application is a basic demonstration of a variety of features on the board. It is intended for you to play around with so that you can better understand just how each of these peripherals on the board work. It is also a good application which tests to ensure that all of the peripherals on your board work properly. Notable features in the demo include:


On the top-left, this application has a basic FSM which simply cycles through each of the LEDs. Each LED is cycled after one second. You should be able to see that as each LED is automatically toggled, the corresponding circle on the board’s display is also filled in with the LED’s color. You should also be able to see a stopwatch count-up timer next to the LED’s title text. This stopwatch counts up from 0 to 1 second, and resets to 0 seconds every time the system changes which LED is turned on.

If you wish to disable the LEDs from turning on, simply tap L1 once. The LEDs should be disabled from lighting up, but the FSM should continue toggling which of the circles on-screen are lit. Press L1 again to enable the LEDs.


On the top-right, this application has a basic Buttons test interface. The Buttons testing interface supports input from Launchpad S1, Launchpad S2, Boosterpack S1, Boosterpack S2, and the Joystick button on the Boosterpack. Pressing and holding any GPIO button on the board should fill corresponding circles on the right with yellow. Additionally, tapping each of the buttons should highlight the corresponding circle on the top-right with an orange color. Tapping a button whose outline is orange will turn the outline back to a white color.


Connect a UART Serial terminal on your PC using 9600 baud, one stop bit, and no parity checking. If you’re using MobaXTerm, ensure that you are connected using the “Class Application / User UART” port, most likely on COM3, COM4, or COM5. Once you are connected, start typing in the terminal. You should see that your terminal on the PC should receive the proper data back. Additionally, you should also see that the last nine characters you typed into the terminal are reflected next to the UART title text on the board.


This application has a basic arbitrary-limit count-up timer. Simply press B1 to start the count-up stopwatch. You should see the time measured increases accordingly. The time is measured in seconds. To stop the timer, press B1 again.


This application has a basic joystick demonstration which shows where the joystick is tilted. To move the inner circle, simply tilt the Joystick. 


This application has a basic Buzzer demonstration which allows you to pick and choose notes to play. To change the chosen note by a half-step, tap the Joystick right or left. (For example, to change the chosen note from a C# to an E, tap the Joystick three times.) To change the note’s octave, tap the Joystick up or down. (For example, to change the note played from an E2 to E4, tap the Joystick up twice.)

To start the buzzer after the note has been chosen, simply press B2. To stop the buzzer after you get sick of hearing it, press B2 again. Upon start, this application disables the buzzer, meaning you will need to press B2 in order for sound to be generated.

Light Sensor

This application has a basic light sensor which determines the lux read on the board. Simply shine a light over the small light sensor at the top of the board, or cover it with your finger, to alter the light reading.


This application has accelerometer testings for the X, Y, and Z axes. Simply tilt the board and observe that each of AX, AY, and AZ on the bottom-right corner of the display change accordingly.