Importing assignments (Using GitHub Desktop)

Go to the repository that you mean to import to CCS. For this tutorial, let's assume we wish you to import the following repository:

Once you go to the repository page, click on the "Code" button. From the drop-down menu, choose "Open with GitHub Desktop"

Your window will automatically switch to GitHub Desktop and you will see a view similar to the below page.

For the Local path, pick a path that you wish the local repository for your project to be. The default is also adequate. Click on Clone.

Now, go to CCS and click on File, then Import. A new window will open. Choose CCS Projects as shown below and then press on Next.

A new window will open. Click on "Browse .." and browse to the top directory of the local repository. This is the Local Path you chose earlier in GitHub Desktop. If you have already forgotten the local path, it is easy to find it. Go back to GitHub Desktop and click on "show in explorer". This will open a windows explorer window directly to the local path you need.

In this example, there is only one project associated with this repository. Sometimes, there is more than one project. You can choose all or some of the projects. Click Finish. You should be able to see the project added to the project explorer pane on CCS.

Once you make whatever changes you wish to the project and you are ready to commit your changes to the GitHub repository on the cloud (this could be for submitting your assignment or simply backing up your progress), go to GitHub desktop. You should be able to see the new changes to your local repository highlighted on the GitHub desktop.

Choose a commit message In the small window on the bottom and then, click on "Commit to master".

In the new screen, click on "Push origin". This will push your changes to the cloud.

If you go to your repository on GitHub site, you should see your new changes.