CCS with Image Reformer

Image Reformer is decades-old software. For a modern, more intuitive alternative, take a look at JSFormer.

You can find a complete video guide here.

Image reformer is a tool from Texas Instrument which converts image files (.png, .bmp, .jpg etc) into C files that can be imported in a CCS project and displayed on the onboard LCD display.

Follow this link to download and install the executable. If you have difficulty with the TI website, please use this file.

Steps to convert an image into C file

Steps to import the generated C image file and display

#include "grlib.h"

#include <ti/grlib/grlib.h>

extern const Graphics_Image colors8BPP_UNCOMP;

Graphics_drawImage(&hal_p->gfx.context, &colors8BPP_UNCOMP, 0, 0);

Creating icons and .png files