Example Projects from TI

This tutorial assumes you have the MSP432 SDK installed. If you do not, then the following steps will not work. Make sure you have the proper SDK installed before following this tutorial.

Long, long ago, a wonderful tool called Resource Explorer existed. Legends say you could import example projects demonstrating the various features of the board, such as the temperature sensor or the light sensor or even the microphone!

... Well, it still exists. It's just not particularly useful anymore, sadly, at least specifically for the MSP432. But those example projects are still there! In fact, all of the examples are included within the MSP432 SDK. This tutorial will explain where to find the MSP432 SDK (assuming a default installation) and how to import the example projects.

Step One: Locating your SDK directory

Remember all that installation witchcraft you had to do at the beginning of the semester to install CCS (or at least I hope you did it at the beginning of the semester)? One of the steps involved installing the MSP432 SDK. During the installation, you were prompted to choose an installation location for the SDK. I hope you remembered where you installed it! If not, the default location is going to be your C:// drive under the ti folder, as shown below.

Don't ask me what half of those folders are even used for. I wouldn't be able to tell you.

Inside the ti folder, you should see a folder for the SDK you installed (again, assuming you chose the default location when installing the SDK). The folder should be named something like: simplelink_msp432p4_sdk_X_XX_XX_XX, where the X's are the version number. At the time of writing this, I have v3.40.01.02 installed, as shown below.

If you ever wondered what three years of using CCS looks like, look no further.

Step Two: Finding the example projects

Next, choose the examples directory.

This is the first directory that's actually easy to find. Thanks, TI!

Then choose the nortos directory.

This directory makes the last directory look confusing by comparison... which it kinda still is.

Then select the MSP_EXP432P401R directory.

I can't even joke about this one because the numbers actually make a HUGE difference here. Pay attention!

Then choose the driverlib directory. (Or for stuff like the light sensor, choose demos instead)

Just look at how long that file path is! Good thing this tutorial is here so that you don't have to memorize it.

And voilĂ ! We have stumbled upon a treasure trove of example projects to choose from. For the rest of this tutorial, we're gonna use the very convenient empty project as an example.
(Tip: Want to make a new project for the MSP432? The easiest way is to import the empty example project, then duplicate it!)

The purpose of these example projects is to show you the importance of well-documented code. No, really, have you tried reading someone else's uncommented code?

Step Three: Importing the project to CCS

Now, you can import the project just like any other CCS project you've downloaded! You can follow the Importing Assignments tutorial from here on out to import the assignment, starting from the CCS prompt to import projects.

(... Or I guess you could just keep reading this tutorial)

First, open up CCS. Then, hover over the File option in the ribbon at the top-left, then choose Import....

Surely this looks familiar... right?

You will then get a pop-up prompt. Make sure Code Composer Studio > CCS Projects is selected, then click Next >.

Seriously, this DOES look familiar to you, right?

This next step is important. You will need to click Browse and locate the example project you're interested in. However, these example projects have multiple folders inside of them. Make sure you choose the ccs folder for your example project! Once you've selected the ccs folder, click Select Folder. Back to the window prompt, make sure the project has a check mark next to it. Then, click Finish.

Sometimes you REALLY gotta warn people about the important stuff, even if it means taking drastic measures (such as scribbling down warnings in chicken scratch).

The project should now show up in your Project Explorer. Congratulations! You now wield the power bestowed upon you by the developers over at TI.

Before you ask, yes, I am totally using these caption blocks to fill up space. Gotta add some pizzazz when this is, like, the millionth website page you've written, y'know?