Graphics: Introduction

Displays are one of the best output devices ever invented for computer systems. They are used to show text, images, graphs, and various forms of visual aids. The display makes interacting with the computer system much more convenient. Over the years, the price of displays has reduced, and given their usefulness, they are being used in more and more devices every day. These days, it is not unusual to buy a toothbrush with a small screen on its handle, and top-of-the-line refrigerators and washing machines are equipped with high-resolution touch displays.

In the case of the MSP432, the BoosterPack adds some major user-friendliness by including an LCD screen. In this module, we will be covering how to interface with your board to enhance your projects with graphics.

(Dr. Patrick Schaumont's overview of the MSP432's graphics was used as a reference for much of this module.