Git: The Command Line


Sadly, git in the command line is not really taught in the curriculum thoroughly, in my experience.

Git is an extremely valuable tool, used in almost every industry involving programming, and the skills are 100% transferable to other version control systems such as Perforce, which is widely used in the game design industry, as well as Mercurial and SVN, which you might find on some older projects.

Git on the command line is the first-class client, and supports every function that Git implements. GUIs such as GitHub Desktop and the one you may find in your editor, are sometimes confusing, or very basic.
However, I'm not throwing away GUI-based git clients, and there will be a section explaining some of my favorites.

Sometimes students in this class ask how would I revert changes, whether or not this will affect my changes, or how to extract a change from before, well this should explain how to do every single one of those questions and more.

This serves as a sort of personal textbook to Git, how I personally, would best explain with detail how git works, and how its functions affect your repositories.
I hope, even after this course, this serves as a valuable resource for you to look back upon.

History Of Git

Taken as an excerpt from the Git book:

As with many great things in life, Git began with a bit of creative destruction and fiery controversy.

The Linux kernel is an open source software project of fairly large scope. During the early years of the Linux kernel maintenance (1991–2002), changes to the software were passed around as patches and archived files. In 2002, the Linux kernel project began using a proprietary DVCS called BitKeeper.

In 2005, the relationship between the community that developed the Linux kernel and the commercial company that developed BitKeeper broke down, and the tool’s free-of-charge status was revoked. This prompted the Linux development community (and in particular Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux) to develop their own tool based on some of the lessons they learned while using BitKeeper. Some of the goals of the new system were as follows:

Since its birth in 2005, Git has evolved and matured to be easy to use and yet retain these initial qualities. It’s amazingly fast, it’s very efficient with large projects, and it has an incredible branching system for non-linear development.

Nowadays, aside from Git, we have other version control systems such as Perforce, Mercurial, Subversion, RCS, SCCS, Tortoise, and a variety of other systems. However, in my experience, aside from Perforce in the video game industry, and some old projects that still rely on Mercurial and Subversion, Git is pretty much ubiquitous.

Getting Started

The following official sites from the Git website can explain getting started with Git a lot better than me.

Installing Git:

First Time Git Configuration:

Some things to know about setting up Git:

$ git config --global "John Doe"

$ git config --global

For Windows users: Everything in this guide, ideally, will be done via Git Bash, which is preinstalled with Git for Windows.

Important remarks about links

If you are using Git over SSH, https:// links will not work anymore.

You can find the new link, which starts with under the SSH tab.

All the links for Git operations in this guide will be done with the link, but they are interchangeable with the https:// link if you do not use SSH.

Where to find the new link

Notes on setting up an SSH key for 2-factor authentication users

If you have Two-factor authentication setup on GitHub, you may notice that your conventional https:// links for Git operations do not work anymore. In order to get around this, Git can utilize SSH to securely connect to GitHub and perform all your operations.


Note: You can also use the Git Credential Manager to get around 2FA with Git, but in my experience, its much harder to setup reliably compared to SSH, you can find the resources here if you want to read more:

Generating a key


Adding the key to ssh-agent


Starting the ssh-agent automatically


.bashrc for starting ssh-agent automatically

Testing that Git over SSH works


$ Hi <username>! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.

The Basics

Now that we have Git installed (whew, that took a while), lets learn the basics.

Local vs Remote repositories

The most basic understanding of any distributed version control system is understanding how repositories work.

The Local repository is the directory of which your folder, managed by Git, and resides on your computer.

The Remote repository is the service of which hosts your code, managed by GitHub (or SourceHut, GitLab, or any other service), and resides on their servers.

The guide will use the terms Local and Remote, to signify different locations of where your code is.


Local will be your working directory, this is considered more "safe", where modifications and revisions are much more diverse and in abundance.

Remote is your submission place, this is considered more "final", as modifications and revisions here would require extra steps. So we try to keep the workflow here as clean as possible.

The Four Big Ones

The four most basic commands, dubbed "The Four Big Ones", is the most basic workflow.

If you keep your working tree clean, you can work with these four commands for the entire lifespan of the repository.

This is the most important workflow in Git, essentially the basics:

$ git clone

$ git add *

$ git commit -m 'Commit helloWorld'

$ git push

Understanding the Four Big Ones with an example

The GitHub Git Cheatsheet

Before we go any further into Git, this cheatsheet is quintessential especially if you are stuck.