Introduction: Computers, Embedded systems and more

The computer has proved to be a revolutionary technology in defining the standards of modern society. Everywhere you look, chances are each object has some form of a computer nested within them. With the proliferation of laptops and smartphones, among other smart technologies, it’s almost impossible to not interact with a computer on a day-to-day basis. But what exactly is a computer? At its core, a computer is simply a device that can be instructed to carry out an arbitrary set of arithmetic or logical operations automatically.

Computer systems provide a backbone for various technologies by being able to perform specific tasks within an overarching system. The general-purpose computer, for instance, is a computer system that can be used for a wide variety of applications. Typically, it has a traditional input and output such as a keyboard and a monitor. Laptops and smartphones fall into the category of general-purpose computers. The sheer versatility of general-purpose computers gives them use in all sorts of situations such as product development, management, communication, and even entertainment.

Another type of computer system is an embedded system. An embedded system is a computer system with a dedicated function within a more extensive mechanical or electrical system. An embedded system can be compared to a gear. The gear has a specific function, which is to link together other gears in order to connect the components of a mechanical system. Similarly, an embedded system contributes to the operation of the larger system by performing a specific task. The task itself can vary depending on the application, but using an embedded system typically grants the overall system new functionality that it wouldn’t have before. For example, an embedded system within an oven can control the temperature inside the oven based on the user input. Because of the broad applications and added utility, many technologies use embedded systems. Almost all modern appliances use embedded systems, so do all current cars and newer buildings. Embedded systems are also extensively used in industrial settings, medical devices, defense industry and more. In fact, more than 98% of computer systems are embedded systems.

At the heart of any computer system whether it is general-purpose or embedded system is the processing unit which is called microcontroller or microprocessor. Low-performance and low-complexity processors are known as microcontrollers, whereas high-performance and high-complexity processors are known as microprocessors. Since “low” and “high” are relative terms, there is no clear distinction between microcontrollers and microprocessors. Typically, what used to be considered a microprocessor may be viewed as a microcontroller as more and more advanced processing units are built. Embedded systems use a wide range of microprocessors regarding complexity. An old microwave may use a very basic 8-bit microcontroller, whereas a very advanced medical device may use a multi-core processor. 

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