Westfield Academy and Central School, Westfield, NY

Do Sasquatches Really exist? A study of Sequence >KJ155699.1

Advisor: Lon Knappenberger

Student Researcher: Logan Whitesell

Abstract: In the July 2, 2014 issue of the Journal of the The Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Science Volume 281, Issue 2014.0161, Sykes, Mullis, Hagenmuller, Melton, and Sartori conducted a comprehensive genetic survey of 57 individual and museum collected specimens to explore their identity. The purpose of this project was to verify the claims of the owners of the samples regarding the existence of Sasquatch or Bigfoot. Sequences cited in the article are stored in GenBank and translated into six reading frames using http://insilico.ehu.es/translate/. Protein BLASTs were conducted of the results. Multiple sequence alignments and phylogenetic trees were constructed comparing the sequence to other primates, North American mammals and domesticated mammals to determine the source of the sequence. With our evidence we have concluded that the closest match is the Black Bear (Ursus americanus)

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