Dundee Junior/Senior High School, Dundee, NY

Annotation of the Deinococcus maricopensis Genome from DNA Coordinates 66120 to 88872 (or Locus Tags Deima_RS00325 to Deima_RS00405)

Advisor: Jennifer Clancy

Student Researchers: Peyton Boudinot, Aliyah Brewer, Jaedyn Brewer, Lily Hall, Isabel Heavner-Ortiz and Lauren Howell

Abstract: A group of six genes from the microorganism Deinococcus maricopensis (Deima_RS00325, 380, 385, 395, 400 & 405) were annotated using the collaborative genome annotation website GENI-ACT. The Genbank proposed gene product name for each gene was assessed in terms of the general genomic information, amino acid sequence-based similarity data, structure-based evidence from the amino acid sequence, cellular localization data, enzymatic function and the possibility of horizontal gene transfer. For all except one gene (Deima_RS00325), the Genbank proposed gene product name did not differ significantly from the proposed gene annotation for each of the genes in the group and as such, the other five genes appear to be correctly annotated by the database. This organism was chosen for its potential to withstand large doses of radiation and ability to repair itself.

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