Virtual Capstone Informaton

Live Virtual Capstone Event

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

12:00pm to 1:30pm

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Virtual Capstone Event Schedule

June 8, 2020: Video presentations uploaded

June 8 to June 12, 2020: Posters open for questions/comments

June 16, 2020: Live Virtual Capstone Event

WelcomeNoon—12:05 pm
Partnership Overview12:05—12:15 pm

Remarks 12:15 —12:25 pm Keynote Speaker 12:2512:55 pm
Closing Remarks 12:55 pm—1:15 pm
Shannon Carlin-Menter, PhDDirector of Evaluation, NYS AHEC System Co-PI - NIH SEPA Grant
Stephen Koury, BS MT (ASCP), MS, PhD Research Associate Professor - Department of Biotechnical and Clinical Laboratory Sciences - University at Buffalo, Co-PI - NIH SEPA Grant
Rama Dey-Rao, PhDClinical Assistant Professor—University at Buffalo Norma Nowak, PhD Executive Director— University at Buffalo, New York State Center for Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life SciencesFounder and CSO, Empire Genomics LLC Stephen Koury, PhD