The innovative technology experience for students and teachers used in this project involved a “hands-on” cyber-learning approach, known as GENI-ACT, which engaged participants in a current and global research project while learning basic concepts of biology.

The GENI-ACT is a package of nine independent modules which allows students and teachers to annotate a gene from a bacterium. Annotation is the process of assigning biologic function to to a gene. The 9 modules of GENI-ACT are:

  1. Basic Information (DNA coordinates, DNA sequence, Protein Sequence)

  2. Sequence-based Similarity Data (BLAST, CDD, T-Coffee, WebLogo)

  3. Cellular Localization Data (Gram Stain, TMHMM, SignalP, PSORT, Phobius)

  4. Alternative Open Reading Frame (IMG Sequence Viewer for Alternative ORF Search)

  5. Structure-based Evidence (TIGRfam, Pfam, PDB)

  6. Enzymatic Function (KEGG, MetaCyc, E.C. Number)

  7. Gene DuplicationGene Degradation (Paralog and Psuedogene)

  8. Evidence for Horizontal Gene Transfer (Phylogenetic Tree)

  9. RNA Information (Rfam)

Use of the modules encourages participants to:

  • Use and master multiple database analysis software packages related to bioinformatics

  • Strengthen library and web-search skills

  • Develop skills in making hypotheses and the design of experiments to test them

  • Sharpen skills in analysis, synthesis and in the presentation and interpretation of results

  • Experience the collaborative nature of science