Frontier Central High School, Hamburg, NY

Isabella DeMeo is a junior at Frontier High School. She really enjoys science and hopes to major in something similar to biochemistry or biology in college. In the future, she is interested in working in research or with animals as a veterinarian.

Emily Jones is a junior at Frontier High School. Next year she is looking forward to her senior softball season and her last year in band at Frontier. She hopes to major in molecular biology in college and have a career in genetics one day.

Kaleigh Schwab is junior at Frontier High School. This summer Kaleigh is excited to lace up and reach her goal of running 434 miles for NYSVR434. After graduating, she is planning to attend Canisius College and double major in mathematics and education.

Annotation of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa Genome for Locus Tags PA0023, PA0029 and PA0030

Advisor: Vanessa Rich

Student Researchers: Isabella DeMeo, Emily Jones, and Kaleigh Schwab

Abstract: A group of 3 genes from the microorganism Pseudomona aeruginosa (PA0023, PA0029, and PA0030) were annotated using the collaborative genome annotation website GENI-ACT. The Genbank proposed gene product name for each gene was assessed in terms of the general genomic information, amino acid sequence-based similarity data, structure-based evidence from the amino acid sequence, and cellular localization data. The Genbank proposed gene product name did not differ significantly from the proposed gene annotation for PA0023 and PA0029 so those genes appear to be correctly annotated by the nr database. However, there is a change in annotation for PA0030 from a hypothetical protein to an ABC transporter.

View the full poster here.