
2018 Elections 2018 Awards Dinner

The USF Faculty Association - Part Time

AFT/CFT Local 4269A represents part-time instructors at

the University of San Francisco

Your voice matters -- WE NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU NOW!

The CONTRACT SURVEY is waiting for your input.

Check your USF email for a survey link

Survey closes on Monday April 30 at 11:59pm.

The purpose of this important survey is to get your input on items affecting you at USF: your pay, your working conditions and benefits, job security, advancement. This will help us best represent your interests in contract talks that start in June 2018

The survey includes 25 questions and will take about fifteen minutes to complete. Your responses will be kept confidential, and the survey data will only be analyzed and reported in aggregate.

If you have questions or did not receive an email with a link to the survey, contact the USFFA-PT officers at:

Our current Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) can be found on the Documents page of this site.

In solidarity,

the Policy Board of the USFFA-PT

Members of the Contract Action Team


See the Elections Section of this site for information about

elections for Policy Board officers and representatives, April 2018.


The USF Faculty Association - Part Time

AFT/CFT Local 4269A represents part-time instructors at

the University of San Francisco

We hope your teaching experience at USF is a positive one. You become a member of the USF Faculty Association - Part Time thirty (30) days after your first dues are automatically deducted from your USF pay. The USFFA-PT serves as your collective bargaining agent with the university and a community in which we share and learn from and with each other.

If you're new to USF, the USFFA-PT, Local 4269A is the union representing you and your interests. Explore the web site and/or contact one of the officers or representatives from the list on the Officer's Page to have a chat about the benefits, history, and objectives of the adjuncts' union. And join your colleagues at an Association meeting or social event listed on the email listserv messages sent out to members.

Take a few minutes to browse our site. It has information that affects your life as an adjunct at USF. It's a good idea to become familiar with the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

Twitter: @usffapt

use #usffapt in your posts

Follow the

USF Faculty Association - Part Time

on our Facebook page

Join the USFFA-PT Private Canvas Site

This is NOT the USF Canvas site

For access,

1. Send an email to Secretary [at] -- asking to be added to the USFFAPT Members Canvas "course." In the body of the message, be sure and include:

a) your first name and last name;

b) your college/school and department;

c) the email you'd like to have associated with the

Canvas account (does NOT have to be USF email)

2. You will be added to the USFFAPT Members Canvas site.

3. Canvas will send you an invitation to the course. After you accept the invitation, you'll create the password for your account.

The USFFA-PT Policy Board created a video in 2014 that features interviews with USF adjuncts. It’s a way to capture some of our experiences as part-timers and to help others understand the disparity between full and part-time faculty. Here is the direct link: