Improving Vocabulary Accuracy in Speaking


As part of the new Assurance of Learning framework of the English Program at the Center of Language Education, there have been some widespread changes to assessments and rubrics. Specifically, students are now assessed on their ability to use new target vocabulary accurately on their speaking tests. However, research has shown that as students’ English ability improves, it becomes harder for them to learn and use new vocabulary (Mongkol, 2009). In particular, inaccurate use of collocations can be a significant barrier to successful lexicon expansion (Selinker & Gass, 2008). Students have shown improvement in vocabulary performance when provided with supplemental vocabulary exercises in addition to regular course content (Lin et al, 2011), so we devised a series of collocation focused vocabulary interventions to be delivered alongside existing course materials, with the aim to enhance students’ accurate vocabulary production.  We will discuss the results of our preliminary study in January 2021, and then talk about how the process was expanded and improved for a wider study in April 2021.