
George Davis

430 13th Street

Reading, Pa

To The Many It Concerns

Interesting times to live in. Thing is those interesting times didn’t happen like magic. It takes time to simmer. A live time of blending of lives and contacts. Let’s take the contacts between us for example Wally. Just back to out first discussion about patenting my ideas. You advised me on that. How long ago. That’s more than twenty years ago. You were still on 8th street in this same block. You and I had several conversations about this subject over the years. You were talking about programs to help the youth. When you were running for election I came to you and said that plants and material were bring stolen from the greenhouse. I was already there how long before you got there. Four years. For four years while we struggled to get the greenhouse in order. To make it the show place it is. Which gave proof to what I was doing. An all that time things went missing at the greenhouse from plants to fish. That’s right they even stole fish from the tanks. Now I come to you again to say that my research material, intellectual property and artist conceptions were blatantly stolen by city workers. Using a city truck. You laughed me off Wally Scott. Didn’t even discuss the issue. You enabled the theft allowing the thieves to decide to call what they took as trash. Don’t you see karma in this. Your making the same mistake AGAIN. Enabling a crime. Just a small one in your mind but after twenty years how can you of all people call what I’ve been doing trash. See I assume you were hoping I’d just get mad and you could dismiss our efforts as being angry Black people. But that didn’t work so you and yours decided you were going to hold bids for the greenhouse. Only thing was you didn’t send one to me. You seemed very happy to let us know that. You wanted us to know that there wasn’t anyone who could do what I could even handicapped. So now you decide your going to do another clean up so the building could be repaired. There’s only a few holes in the glass that need covering. Yet you don’t send a bid to me. Don’t even discuss sending one to me. Ok, I’m an easy going guy but understand how these things work. You get federal money which comes attached with certain provisions. I only need one sentence from that package: all persons shall have equal opportunity and access to programs and facilities

without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, or disability. The simple act of law enforcement as a citizen was denied me when you enable that theft. “Have equal opportunity” You allowed others access to our experiment while we weren’t there and you made sure we weren’t. I don’t know what was taken, what pictures were taken or how long or how many times they were allowed to steal ideas since only the thieves showed them thru. Shall we ask for the names of the people and companies who were invited. This is such a can of worms for you council. Federal money could dry up for the remainder of this administration because of this. But it make you wonder if that’s the plan. A plan to destroy the residents of this city for what’s called the real estate mafia. What happens if Reading loses the Act 42 and goes into bankruptcies. Reading starts to sell off assets to pay her bills. All the cities properties goes on sale. Including the park. This is a plan for personnel gain. Right now we should all be getting Tea party mad about the abuse of our political system to become about the greed of a few.

Thank you for taking the time to read this

George S. Davis