Event January 23-1-2021

Hey I know haven't been posting but life. What can I say. It takes awhile to bring in and st up all the different plants. But now that I'm facing redoing it all to setup for Spring. That said I took a number of different cuttings over the Fall and separated them. These pictures will be of the Brown Turkey Fig cuttings. The big difference is this year I'm adding an air system. If you veiw the pictures before you'll see that I've ben using an Anaerobic system that didn't work on air to the roots at all. The system used bacteria in a symbiotic relation with the roots instead.

Now that I have them separated out into 32oz inserts with 5lb Deli containers. Those once Spring is here will be transplanted to 2gal inserts with 5gal containers for holding water. That's what's best about the system is it separates into two parts. You can lift the insert and empty the container to carry any where. Then refill and reset the plant. Because the plants roots are symbiotic rather than ph based the plant can live right the winter