Preparing for Spring Garden


You know how sometimes you get the urge to do something for Spring. For me it's changing everything over from Anaerobic to Aerobic. Started by making cuttings of Brown Turkey Figs. Those worked pretty good.

This garden is going to be in sets of four. I use 8 way gang valves. 2 sets of four set in 8 plant groups per channel. 2 channel per pump. 16 plants per pump. Now that size pump works with the 5lb, 10lb, 4gal and the 5gal containers. Using a one inch air stone.

This will be information about my form of Gardening called Argo-Bio-Ponics. This will be conversations I'm having with members of Houzz under Hydroponics.

First picture is of a Brown Turkey Fig, Cashew and a Fiddle leaf fig. These plants are part of what I call the system. Meaning the way and material their made with.

An Orchid, Lemon trees, and a Monteria Delicoisca all growing in the system. I'm just showing the diversity of plant types that can be grown with this method. But back to the garden.

I was taking stock of what I was asking myself to create. How much material I will need to meet the plant demands I still want to grow. I have to be realistic I have space but a lot is covered by trees. I don’t want to cut them down because there’s not much “critter” space left around here. It’s easier for me to create it here but... It’s soon time for me to put out lettuce. The first green things showing. No, I think I’ll put out bird seed instead. The decision tho should be to setup the multi-season plants and trees up first. Then the changing seasonal plants afterwards. I could change some of the floor plan to go vertical. I have several vertical systems laying around. Running them tho would draw attention where ever I put them.

This is a Concrete palm. This is an 80% Styrofoam chips and 20% Perlite. The as long as it doesn't hold water on it's surface. You can also see. the difference in the different root structures the plant produces as it moved thru the medium

I bring this up because we have to think of ways to conserve water, fresh water. Growing on the scale we do now is not sustainable. The writing is on the plow shears. 80% of all that water being sprayed on a field, sure it keeps you and a whole lot of people fed. But 80% of that evaporates and floats away. Now too with the fresh water we drink is being polluted by long term nutrient use using mined minerals from else where being dumped in the waters here. Or there because the smoker are going be using hydroponics because they think it’s easy. It’s is as long as you don’t mind stuffing that elephant down the drain every week or two. This machine we’re sitting in front of brings awareness unlooked for. I’m not looking to change your mind. Hell, no I’m too old for that. Thing is tho awareness is awareness. Something you can’t let go because you become aware. This awareness will keep growing like a little itch every time you go to the bathroom. Because in 5yrs your kids will be drinking that.

What Argo-Bio-Ponics allow you to do is grow plants in a sterile environment. That creates a Natural Symbiotic between plants and Bacterial Fauna. Because both are living things they both work on a Boom and Bust cycle. A Boom and Bust cycle that works in concert with the seasons using a water environment.

These are Ever Bearing Strawberries planted last year growing thru the Winter in an water environment. Not all I planted survived. The ones in dirt 7 died the ones in the system 3 died. The ones in the system are really producing flowers which is a good sign. The ones in dirt are growing a lot of leaves so far. Large leaves. Added another 50 Ever bearing to the system. Seeing the space left by a single Strawberry in a 5lb insert the next 50 are in 32oz inserts. See how that works next year. None of these Strawberries are part of an air system.

I have two on the air system and you can see the difference right away. The leaves are bigger and it's sending out the first runner of the season.

Brown Turkey Figs are going to be a large part of the garden. Several sets of cuttings were taken last November and separated into 32oz inserts with 5lb cups.

Question becomes can I grow them all season in the 32oz inserts. Yes but my rule of thumb was always if the wind can blow it over time to repot. But with four in a tray I might get by.

This is a Blackberry vine vine tip rooted. Cut it off a few weeks back and new growth has started.

The peach trees are the newest addition of the trees. They were started last year and made it thru the winter in a 5lb insert growing anaerobically.

I have 8 grape vines. Which I'm going to try and grow in the Umbrella style shape.

This is a pear tree what type I don't remember.

A Liberty apple

There are two pear trees and a Johnathan apple. The trees are at least ten years old started before I was at the greenhouse. They were in an anaerobic system till this year.

This is a Red Peach whip I started last year. Was really just a straight stick.

Repotted from a 5lb insert to a 2gal insert and started with the air system

A month later. I know it might be wishful thinking but these could flower next year.

That was last year's growth.

Wonder what this years will bring.

This pear tree that has been growing quite a few years (10) in an anaerobic environment now has an air system and is fruiting. The advantage is it's sitting in a tub of water. It's sitting in everything it needs.

Yes, found another plant hiding in the back. A Japanese Maple. Been in this container about 7yrs. The 5lb insert broke apart before I took it out. I had to break it apart it was so intertwined with the insert. Did keep a lot of the roots tho.

The Japanese Maple didn't suffer any wilting during the move.

Question becomes is anybody else growing peaches, pears and coffee tree hydroponically. The coffee trees are ready to fruit.

Four of the hydroponic fruit trees are fruting

The the beginning of the year this was just a thin stick. Two months later and it's a bush. This might seriously fruit next year.

Sago palm seed germinating in the system.