Greenhouse Tour

Now I should explain my “concept” of growing.   

The toxicitity level of the main three root types air, water and media are directly proportion to their reproductive  capacity and inversely proportional to their degree of differentiation.

Take the first part.   Toxicitity, What does that mean in relationship to the plant’s roots.   Usually it means Ph levels.   If you can do away with worry over ph levels you can control what kind of roots from the “three types” you want to produce.   But here I have to take a change in direction to explain something else.   Organic rubble.   Think of an Orchid in the rain Forrest.   In the trees a seed gets stuck by chance in the nook of a tree and starts to grow.   There’s nothing in there but pieces and pieces of leaves and twigs stuck there.  Washed over time and time by rain water.  Broken down to just rubble stuck in a drain.   Think of that as “Organic rubble.”   Doesn’t add anything but contributes to structure.   That structure absorbs water and therefore nutrient that comes with it.   So..far we’re looking at a rain water neutral ph level structure that absorbs water in an environment the type of root we want to produce to take’s root in.    Which is why it works in a small space.    It might help to think of it as a small steam powered engine.   Just add water.   Now we have to think about the actual root it self.  Their “directly proportion to their reproductive capacity” meaning.   In relationship to length, thickness and numbers do they show differences.   Then what types of environment do these different roots grow in or in my case how to get an environment that all three root types will grow in.   See in present gardening you can’t mix up the types of roots your growing.     That’s the ‘inverse proportional to their degree of differentiation” part of the mix.    Follow me so far.   You can’t grow water roots in soil, air roots in water and so forth.   But you can give them each their own area to grow in.   But to form that type of separation without dividers using only the “drain stopping materials”.    Now knowing this you step out of the horse and buggy days of Gardening into the little Steam Engine age.   Using the term engine implies outside power source.  Fuel.   In this case it’s the sun.   Simple sunlight.   Even street lights at night in the summer is enough to get the engine running.    Hence, the pod.   For those of you who haven’t heard it this method allows you to water 80 full sized vegetable plants with only 2 ½ gallons of water per day.    That’s corn, tomato, peppers, cucumber, okra, etc.etc,.   Yes it’s true it’s hand watering but there’s no shoveling, very little weeding, no leeching, it can be set at any height, grown on any surface, even contaminated ground, on fences  rooftops, weighs very little, can be moved with ease, made from recycled soda bottles you make yourself, you can make your own fertilizer for free and the media is reusable at 2 to 1 ratio for the next season.    Not only that but because of planning the root system the plant can stay for years in the same pod.   Even overwinter vegetables for years to come.    What’s not to like.   Now too, add another chamber (bottle) and you get a “Growth Chamber”.   ( A fourth chamber) That little chamber between the upper neck and the lower water level.   Where the roots are bathing in warm, moist evaporate air just dripping off every inch of the roots. .   This is like going from a carburetor to fuel injection.