Spring Garden Start 2022

This year the best I think I can do is Fruit trees and Bushes. This picture above are of fruit trees grown from seed. Nectarines. Plums, Peaches an Cherry. The cutting are from pear an apple trees from my trees. I did order 10 Granny Smith apple and 6 Kieffer pear cuttings. Those are in a different window. I'm working on making some Sweet potato slips for this years garden as well. Even thing about growing Sweet potatoes in the system. This is the right time of year to be growing the cuttings. Even thinking about getting a few more branches from Coop.

Now here on the right is something I haven't seen before. To the right, two of the Avocado seeds look like they flowered right from the seed. I mean they look like flowers but are hard. An yes the weeds like the system too.

These are three of the six Kieffer pear cuttings. By the end of April I can put these out. I'm going to keep adding plants and fruit trees hardy to this area. I added a few Nectarine seeds and waiting for the peach season season the start.

To the right is one of 6 Grape vines I started this year. I have a number of them growing now but the problems in the World are making me make decisions .

These are the first bulbs I grew in the system. In fact they were growing, hibernated each year and came back the next Spring.

This is a Peach seed started 2yrs ago. This being it's 3rd year might fruit. I can see new growth all along the main stem. I have to remember to cut off the top stem. I don't want it to get too tall. But this tree has grown from seed. I'm going to grow a number of these this year.

Something that amused me was having all that "young" help at the Greenhouse. Now that I'm "older" I have an appreciation for this method. They break into two parts for ease of transportation. An insert and container.

Not much of a root system for 2yrs growth. Well this is the telling year. Anyway I've started a hundred seeds and cuttings of fruiting trees.

Those are Sweet Potato's I'm trying in the system. I've grown bulbs in the mix without problem. The problem as I see it is that the slips that grow above the water line don't produce roots. So I'm looking to see if I can get more root producing slips to form this way. Actually started another 6 Sweet Potato's in case it does work. I haven't tried them before. If they don't rot ( which I'm hoping ) it means they'll work growing tubers. in the system.

These are Nectarine seeds. I open the shell and pulled out the seed. Did the same for Rainer Cherry seeds I ordered. I'll be starting those after a nights soaking. Looking forwards to picking up some more fruits to start. Including new cuttings.

This is a ten days later picture of the Kieffer pear cuttings. It's late M arch now so I'm thinking of separating these at the end of April.

I was hoping to get a better picture of the aeration. The pump tho little is doing a pretty good job.

Besides growing fruit tree seed I started Sweet potato slips. Started them in the system and it worked pretty good.

An interesting thing about the system is that you can grow bulb's and tubers in an wet anaerobic environment without getting rot. That's because of the mix. I also thought that growing the slips in the medium would produce more roots. Can't say it made a difference.

Here's the problem with growing cuttings. Flower buds take away energy from root production. What added to the interest was a Brown Wasp. Where that came from a day after Spring beats me. But it was on the flower. What I didn't notice was... it was eating the pedals.

Here's an interesting point for me to make. Of the two fruit trees I moved to the 35gal containers I noticed how different he two root system were. The pictue on the left show a tree wit a lot of roots