Lantern Fly Plague

I'm trying to think of a way to convey how important these next weeks will be. We're under attack from the smallest of foes. This will change our way of life over night if we don do something soon about them.

To the Many It Concerns

Here’s a question….what if just suppose the Lantern fly is part of a Terra-forming event. You just need to think to yourself would t-rump do it? The Greenhouse only became a issues after we started talking about Saving our Pond. Saving that pond was a good idea from the local stand point. But what if the snowflakes saw something different. Saw people starting to ask questions. A movement starting. Maybe question all that drilling going on everywhere. As not for drilling for oil but water. Remember the first Iraq war. The Iraqis’ were complaining that the Kiwi’s were drilling under their borders stealing oil. Sideways drilling. Remember the first bush saying there’s no such thing. Yet while he was still president they admitted very quietly that they could. Even pressed the UN to approve rules saying they could. You no longer had to be over a drill site you could drill from the next county without anyone being the wiser. With satellites you could pinpoint exactly where the resource was. But this kind of greed knows no restraint. Those trees suck up 100 to 500gals of water a day. I mean look at those trees just sitting there, thousand using that water they could be putting into plastic bottles to sell. Problem tho is people here like our forests. Their moving from the big cities to Reading for that very thing.

So what’s a snowflake suppose to do. Well….introduce an invasive bug Then for a couple of years don’t do sh$t about it till it’s spread over a wide area. Then indoctrinate the population into thinking they have to destroy the green they live with to fight them. Sounds like a plan to me. Well, not so well thought out but using the capitalizing plan of privatizing the profit and socializing the cost. I’ll even give you a better one using the difference between Newtonian physics and Quantum physics. Newtonian being the Goose (Natural law) and Quantum being Greed (cutting her open). Remember the old time machine by H.G. Wells. Wells was a profit of many things coming in the new age. But it’s the artist interpretation of that what’s interesting. The temple is the first thing Rod Taylor see when he arrives so who does it remind you of. Wait it gets better. The morlock skin is blue from drinking that underground water. Like the deep blue the Lantern fly piss produces with the molds and fungus that feeds on it. Ladies and gentlemen this weather is perfect for molds and fungus. Ask any farmers who have crops in the ground.

Thank You For Taking the Time To Read This

George S. Davis

What are we doing here. You’re the system of government that leads this city. That the surrounding areas look to for guidance. Your going to tell them your going to destroy everything green and they should too. Destroy, destroy, destroy that seems to be all you know. The last guy didn’t know anything about plants seems to that he didn’t want to know. What kind of attitude is that for a city surrounded by trees. Worse yet now you want to spray the number one cause of cancer in the world on everything green. That’s what Alcohol is. Yeah we’re going to show that bug how smart we are by destroying everything green it feeds on. Ever hear of Easter Island. I mean just let those words sit on the forefront of your thoughts. Another people who cut down everything green just to move some big stones. The Lantern fly is one of our Stones. See…nobody thought to plant any trees. Nobody is asking what happen to those few centimeters of top soil where all the fauna lives. Where trees get most of their air. A plant or a tree is a simple ventilation system that evaporates water drawn from the soil up and out thru it’s leaves. If you cut a thin band of bark around a tree the whole top half dies. It will be the same thing with using a blade of alcohol. I haven’t even started talking about the left over residue. Hey old people don’t you remember DDT. Well think in a community of old people it’s those over fifty that are hardest hit by the influence of alcohol. Yeah, your going to show that bug how smart you are. How do you pray to God for trees you just cut down. Didn’t even bother to plant any either. I mean I can see the tickle God got out of that Then…God moves on. I’m not trying to save the planet. Nature is a side bar. She don’t need me either. It’s us I’m thinking about.

Thank You For Taking The time to Read This.

George S. Davis

One of the things we've noticed is that there has been few Lantern fly for the last two years. Reason being climate change. The little fly were cocooning in the Fall. They get their chill in December and are brought out by a few days of warmth. It get cold again and kills them off. But the cold days are getting fewer now. My fruit trees are in the scale separation stage now in early February. This problem with the flies hasn't gone away it's just's Nature's way of making you forget it for awhile.