Summer, an a change of thought

I need another 2-250gal tanks. With what I saw those four weeks there wasn’t any rain showed me the short coming of what I was actually doing, prepared for. Water that I took for granted, it was free from the sky, the life blood of everything I grow stopped. Four weeks it stopped. Of course I see a Youtube on the drying west. Their tearing out trees and putting plants that require less water. Tearing your trees out because they consume too much water. Is that the kind of decision I have to make and I mean in the next year or two. I don’t think I’ll have longer than that. I’m telling myself that I’ll have four trees where one is now. The more I think on it the more agreeable it becomes. Even if I do it with these half barrels which I think is better, could even make 5gal inserts with a 30gal container. This has all gotten very interesting in a short period of time and I should take MYSELF seriously. Plants in medium aren’t going to work because the moisture evaporation is against that.

Here I am thinking about that water shortage I had. Thinking about the hurt my trees might have gone thru just because of lack of water. It’s alright now, there’s rain. I’m sitting here listening to it fall. Sure I’ve got 65 fruit trees but as they are it’s not sustainable. Best guess is that I should figure on meeting a six month water supply in reserve for all the plants I’m growing. Which brings me to another thought. I’m going to switch out these trees for whips. I’m looking at a time frame of three to five years preparation. This year would be best to start because of the time line. With another $1000, now that’s for the trees that winter outside. The saving grace for getting rid of the trees in media is the number and variety I can grow. Where I have 6 of the 30gal tubs I could have 40-5gal containers. I know I should jump at those numbers but I’ll miss the forest canopy feeling. The Artist in me like walking and sitting beneath their branches. I could walk under their branches after years of waiting just to do that. Now the whole yard will be covered in harsh sunlight. The only shade the trees will get is from me walking around them. Of course now I’m thinking why not just cut these trees back to fit a 2gal insert. Cut the canopy back hard. Thinking about doing that, I can see me holding a stump of a tree to put in the insert. It might be possible.

Question becomes why bother. The number of whips, types and varitity I could grow in 5yrs makes it interesting. So for this summer I'm going to reinvent the garden along the lines of a food forest orchard. One thing that will become a rarity is fruits. So to that end. I introduce the 5lb insert with a 10lb container.

This setup of refabricated plastic gives a good combo to grow a large plant from different varieties that can even over winter in them. That the freedom of anaerobic growing. The goal here is to create a 200 fruit tree orchard.

The next project is to pot up those 32oz fig trees to a 5lb insert with a 4gal container. That will give the tree more room this year and next.

There are another 12 Brown Turkey Figs that need to be repotted in their permanent containers. This means a compete refit of that planting area. Now today tho I'd like to get the Cactus outside. I was worried about walking thru the ally, thru those trees to get them in. But there's a hole I could get them thru right by the place I'm setting them at.

I have a large variety of different plants I want to give pictures of you you can see the possibilities. The plants below are over wintered peppers. I'm hoping their the hot ones.

That's a Macadamia nut growing anaerobically to the right. It's a 5lb insert with a 5lb container. Still a pretty large insert for the cutting. One of my friends told me the less the better when doing cuttings. So even a 32oz insert with a 32oz container would work.

This area using a 12"x1"x12' board I'm able to have 72-32oz inserts with 5lb containers. Using that combo will give me the room to grow a 200 fruit and nut tree orchard. An orchard started from these cuttings I'm putting together. In two years they will flower and in three fruit. Now something I want to bring into the mix. People I give these plants to really like them. It brings me good will. They'll can be used to barter with. More reason to make a large number of them.

This will be the last year for this pear. It caught fire blight and is dying. Better to replace the whole thing. But it was fruiting till the end. This is a sea of green where all you can see are the shiny new leaves