Borneo Giant Taro

I really didn't do anything different with the mix and I kind of knew better. I had great sucess adding Rice hulls to the mix. The Rice hulls were soaked in hot water to split off the hair covering. I guess saying my experience with growing bulbs in the system use Rice hulls.

These are 5 out of 10 bulbs for use in the system. The other five were planted in media.

Since there was no wind resistance built up the stems are rather weak. There are roots showing at the bottom of the nylon insert which I didn't remove when repotting to a 10lb Pot.

Here's the only Borneo Giant bulbs out of the five that germinated. Like I said before about not having the right mix. Anyway tho it's starting to sucker off shoots already so that's a plus. To save space starting them I used a 5lb insert inside a plain 5lb cup.

Then it's just back fill.