Spring 2024

Because Spring gets you restless. You want to grow something.  Too watch it sprout.  Face it you’ve been doing this for years and you still get excited by the first seed popping out.  But there are other things I have to dwell on.  That picture of the Standard Moon Glow pear tree roots growing the same amount of time produced much different root mass.  You can look thru the pictures on this site and see how the trees grown on their own roots have large masses of roots. 

This is a moon Glow pear after a year's growth on standard root stock.

This a DWF Gala apple after a year's growth on a Dwarfing root stock.

This is a peach after a years growth.  

The idea here is that you don’t need large amounts of either dirt, water or space to grow large trees for fruit.  I’m looking to start a one hundred tree Orchard using DWF fruit trees.  Using the comparisons above.  The other understanding is the environment the roots will be growing in.  The second line of picture are about the different types of effects air and no air have on roots.  Or which types of roots set you back two weeks if you disturb them.  Checking out roots is something you can do in a water system.

You know it isn’t enough that I worry every year about whether or not my trees are going to make it thru the Winter but now have to worry about the Spring.  The temp at night has been right about the 10% kill for the Nectarine and peach flowers.  Saving Grace is the city is a mirco climate so I can add a few degrees.   Problem tho is those who are further out.  Climate change is changing the way we have to think about growing plants.  The Wars in other counties are going to change the way we feed plants.  The cost of water alone is going to discourage  people from growing for themselves.  I guess that’s why I’m thinking about the inputs I’ll be needing to grow this orchard.   This method allows nearly 100% of water used, used by the plant.  Next time you water your plant this Spring look at the water you waste.  This isn’t to shame you it’s getting you to ask what could you do with that water.  

I'm trying to think...did I take a picture of this last Fall?  I remember seeing it.  One tenth the size and white.  

These two Whips are going to be trees by Fall.  Branches more tham 2'.

Forgot that these were nice little trees last year.  Thinking these could be twice this size this year is interesting.   I'll bend the branches in the Fall.  

Trying to figure how much work vs how much fruit load I'm expecting these tree to produce.

What can I say.  I like having plants around.

The things you can do when you have many hands to play with.

This is the idea I have for the grape vines.  They call it umbrella. 

Remember I learned w, little d and an S.  Think how much of a plants root structure fail away with dirt.  Those fine hair roots.  How could I stop those from falling away.  Make them thicker.  Which brought me to water.  Brought me to Hydroponics which out my mind just as quickly left because of the SHEER VOLUME of poison I flushed in just 2wks.  Then Aquaponics.  Oh child, do you really know how much work that is.  How many fish you need and have to feed.  How much water 5,000gals is with evaporation.  How much space that is. Thing was it took me having all that for free that scared me.  Made me think  about ...smaller.   Making better use of.   A chance to make the ABC’s of XE and Z. 

That’s The Gardens of Ease.  

Evaporation here, evaporation there, evaporation everywhere.

In a Aquaponic system even when your not growing you still need to feed the fissh.

And when your not using the tables Nature will.

Then  when the fish get big.   But you figured something better you still have the fish.   An their reproducing. 

The mineral or nutrient cycle

The water cycle

The energy cycle

The dynamics of the biological community 

These are the four principal working parts of Agro-Bio-ponics.   

The first, the mineral or nutrient cycle    What it takes to produce the food that we eat.   We as the biggest consumers we give back very little to our food production.   Which means we import large amounts of minerals from else where for that purpose.   With Argo-Bio-ponics the symbiotic relationships formed between plants and soil bacteria (fauna) are produced in a three part hydroponic environment.   The sometimes moist part, the always moist part and the wet part.   Waste produced by bacteria feeds the plant while the waste from the plants feed the bacteria.    This is Natures nutrient cycle.   This is how trees live for years on end in the same spot.   Without ever having a change of dirt from us.   The fauna ( bacteria)  in the dirt is recycling it.       

The water cycle is about how much water is wasted.   In ground farming wastes about 90% of the water sprayed onto a field.   Hydroponics is a 100% waste and toxic as well.   Argo-Bio-ponics has a near 100% water savings.    Each container is sealed and water only transpires out thru the leaves.         

A lot of energy in the form of oil goes into plant production.   From the machines to the fertilizer.   Not only that but the use of oil based fertilizers destroys the land it’s grown on.   Argo-Bio-ponics uses sunlight to move the only moving part to the system.   Water.     

The biggest worry right now is how modern farming is destroying it’s very base.   The land it’s grown on.   How farming is destroying the fauna large and small to produce mono-crops.   Argo-Bio-ponics creates individual environments with in each container.   There’s very little fertilizer used and next to none in the water.   The system works on the Boom or bust cycle of Nature.         

One of the basic principals of self sufficiency is low external inputs.   Being able to produce your crops on what you provide yourself.   That the nutrients for your crops are produced and recycled back thru the nutrient chain.    Since each container is sealed and works as an independent environment there’s no emissions or water waste.   Argo-Bio-ponics works with synergies that take the place of intensive knowledge 


Low external inputs - input self-sufficiency 

• Low emissions - closed nutrient cycles 

• Knowledge intensive - biodiversity that captures synergies, biologically controls pests 

• Management intensive - labor intensive but other-resource efficient, to optimize sustainable yield: productivity/acre (we have to grow more food ourselves)

• Local food self-sufficiency and national food sovereignty 

I was just thinking about “change”.  A skill I learned is photography.  Free lance and wide rangeing. You had to know the type film, type settings, wide or telephoto.  Is the lighting front back or side.  That’s before I even get to the dark room.  Point being now everything is set.  You have it on your phone.  And prints become a matter of ink.  Things change. The Gardens of Ease that uses Agro-Bio-Ponics as a method is the same kind of change.  Or a better way of saying it is Plug an Play.  The thought that you can put any plant, tree, vine, cutting and seed into the same mix under Anaerobic conditions grows.   These pictures below are of Blueberries I planted last year and came back this year.  You can see the water level.  An these were frozen many a day last Winter.  

English Walnut cuttings. Started inside January, outside in March till now

Blueberry transplanted last summer

Asian pear tree that had the top broken during the Fall last year.  

Third year Blueberry

Thorn less Blackberry tips planted in a 5lb inserts.  Got quite a number of them.  All are sprouting now.  

These are 2x 3' Sweet Heart Blueberries.  Next example of Plug an Play.

These are three of the best from the DWF Gala trees I bought last year.  One didn't make it Five did well and 2 hung on.  

Here’s where I have a problem some times with Roses.  I get good growth the first year.  Growth starts in the 2nd then dies off.  I’m looking at the fact I might need to use 5gal buckets for them.  There too I have to think about the next set of trees I have coming in.  These are trees with big roots, bare they may be.  Thinking package size the 2gal insert might work.  Think of the trees I have growing now are all ready that size.  But it’s the root stock I have to worry about.  So I’ll lower the water level of the container so that it’s just touching the bottom of the insert.  

This is the example of the plug n play system.  You don't need to learn anything about the plant.  just how to clean off the dirt and transfer to the system.  

Another set of cuttings to help the idea of a 100 tree Orchard.  

You forget sometmes till you have to do.  Normally the roots on plants are straight forward.  But not the Blueberry.  Without a pressure hose I had to go in by fingers and clean out the dirt. 

Now here the opposite problem of getting the mix back into those same holes I dug it out from.  

Now their ready to go. 

I was having an old man moment.  Sitting on the porch when a shadow moved across my chest.  The trees are casting shadows now.  In a month no sunlight will be poking thru at all.  Thinking about what life has given these hands to learn.  Last season I pick up several fruit trees .  All were infected with Fire Blight.  Ok.  But my thought was Fire Blight was entering the cells in the Spring using ph controlling fertilizers.  Making it easy for it to pass thru the osmosis barrier.  Flowering should be the time infection should begin.  Really it’s just the trees starting to shade me that got me thinking.  But this is an Anaerobic environment. See if it made a difference.  

When can you say you have a Food Forrest.  The number of trees and plants.  The diversity?  How much it produces.  I’d call what I have here one.  Thirty one full grown producing fruit trees.  Maybe 15 Blueberry bushes, 8 grape vines, an I haven’t even started counting the cuttings.  Or the tropical trees and citrus.  Planted the first peppers today as well.  The newest trees are Golden Treat Fruit Snacks Apple that are limbless.  Small compared to the other tree sizes I got from the same company.  

Last year I could tell there would be a large number of fruiting tips on this tree.  I want to straighten it out and bend down the branches.

There's a picture of this tree in the Fall section of what it looked like before having the top broke off

Three of the 4 English Wall nut cuttings.

In last years Fall section it shows the vine tips of the Thornless Blackberry vine rooting in 5lb inserts

One of the Thornless Blackberry cuttings that overed Winter is now growing several vines of it's own.

Several tree that I ordered this time are the Urban Limbless types.  Ordered 3, will order another 3 later.

Another example of splitting the Tap root into many.  

I think for now instead of using a 5gal container I'll back it to a 2gal container.  

First of the Strawberry were planted.

This is the third  set of cuttings I have going.  These are Moon Glow pear.  Because their cuttings they'll might fruit next. then to since they'll be growing on their own roots they'll be standard trees.   These will be part of that 100 fruit tree Orchard I'm planning.  

While these Combice pears ar shorter than others I ordered I still will order another 2.  

Here are the Combice pears in their inserts

Oh joy, found that I have Fuzzy Apple Aphids.  So I made my "Lethal" " to Life mix.   I've used it for many a pest.  I could it was instant death but will it kill off all the effects of these aphids.   I was worried about Fire Blight.  A growers problems never end.   Here's a worry.  How many viruses, pests of all types are being sold all across the country.  Last year I worried about Fire Blight.  A Big box store was selling trees with Fire Blight.  Didn't know, didn't care.   Figured I was safe because I figured it was a ph thing.  Typed a few thoughts on that last Fall.  Now this Aphid thing really brings home how fragile our food system is.    We buy these plants thinking "cheap" but it also can set us to fall.  Before we even start.   Since I'm small scale I can use the "killer" spray.  But if these were full size trees  the amount sprayed on them  would kill them as well as the Aphids.     

This is one of those I bought last year at the end of season sale.    An Ayers pear.  It's growing in a 5gal insert with a 5gasl container.  It's a bout 10' tall.   It's a wide tree as well.  I think that the end of Summer I' going to cut it back 3'.

Now what the hell is this.  The new fruits are being eaten by something down to the nub's.  But that's always when you step into the "Garden".  Don't even know if's it's going on day or night..  I found what was eating the peaches.  A Squirrel.  Must have thought they were jelly beans.  

The Red Chief Nectarines  iook all right.

Another nut tree. Have 6 that are doing well.  Have another 6 Hazel nut trees going as well.  

This Rose has started  to take off.   All the plants in the front get 6hrs full sun now.

The last two in this order came in today.  Got them unpacked and ready to transplant.  A Golden Sentinel and a North Pole Apple columnar apple trees.  

It’s been a couple of hours and I see the Golden Sentinel leaves and flowers recovering.  That’s just how wet the mix is holding water.  But it’s also holding air.  There’s nucks and crannies and food for life’s Fauna.  A 3 D blank slate.  Everything is compfy for the roots to lay in.  The leaves feel the slow lifting moisture rising from below.  It takes awhile for the leaves to “relieve” themselves and send their juices below.  Along with Fauna it sucked in or crawled in with the other plant juices going below.  Not invading the cell wall just going with the flow.  It gets to the blank slate and nuzzels right in.  Think all potato’s you want.  But things don’t live on potato’s alone.  They have plant juices to add “meat” to their meal.  The boom in Fauna growth also means the Death of Fauna as well.  The Fauna tho has gathered all the “nutrients” into itself during life’s processes.  That’s the plants “Candy”.  The plant and the Fauna are sitting at the same table consuming each others waste turning it into the others food.  That’s how it works in Nature.  Life is the perpetual motion machine that just needs a “kick” start.  Sunlight.  An away it goes.      

Still want to order several more trees.  Have two of the Comice pears and want two more.  Plants and fruits are influence as well as food.  I see that being needed in the future as well.  I’m musing here.  Thinking that I have to take measures to protect the fruits and berry’s I’m growing.  This is a Food Forest in a Food Desert.  There are no wild area’s around here.  Barely trees.  In total area this isn’t even a postage stamp in this block alone.  As far as the mind’s eye can see there’s nothing till the mountains.  A desert of lawns and concrete.  Is it any wonder the fruits barely out the bud don’t even get the chance to grow before their eaten. What have I gotten myself into.  All I wanted to do was grow some plants.  Didn’t now how good I had it at the other place.  Yes there Lantern Fly’s but the Sumac took care of that.  I got spoiled.  Those 5yrs working a real greenhouse.  Allowing me to perfect The Gardens of Ease growing System.  A system that doesn’t require KNOWLEDGE.  An I didn’t stammer either.  See when I first got into photography you had to KNOW.  There were different films, different speeds , black and white, color, dark room, papers, chemicals and a little thing called an enlarger. Look at how many words that was.  Now your phone comes with a camera.  Even fills with a flash.  Doesn’t even ask you.  It even Bluethooths to your computer before you can get the Darkroom door open.  Well this is the same concept.  You don’t need that Gardening knowledge any more.  With the Gardens of Ease Method you remove the dirt of “ANY PLANTS” roots set it in the mix and forget it.  Just check for water.  If you set the insert into the right size container you may not have to water all Season.  But bugs, rodents, and disease.  Sorry just old man ranting’s in the early morning.  Going to need netting by the end of next month.  Blueberry’s will be coming in. 

Well here it is several days later, still early morning and I’m going to rant again.  Found a newly hatched turtle Dove on the front porch.  Haven’t gotten it to eat yet but does drink water.  A little rat with wings and I’m taking care of it.   Now I have 3 Roses going in 2gal inserts with 5gal containers.   The first I have the first pictures of above.  A White rose with 7 buds growing.  It’s about 30 days.  I have the next 2 ready to go.  

Comice Pear 5-8-2024

Red Chief Nectarine 5-8-2024

Chicago Fig cutting part of office project.

I ordered2 English Walnut trees.   Trying to build up a wider range of food stuff.  

Been seeing straw as a transportation medium for trees.  

Of course this wasn't what I expected.   Frist words out my minds mouth was "What the fu@k.   The root that this grew from must have been more than 6'.  An look at how thick this it is.  

t usually grow in 2gal inserts but that root is twice that.  

I'm going to treat it like a regular cutting.  I used a mixture of Aloe and rooting hormone paste 

An yes I have 5gal inserts just sitting around waiting for me to something with them.   I waited a few minutes for the paste to dry.  Then started filling.

Took about an hour's work but there they are.  

Those 5gal insert were used with a modified 55gal food grade plastic barrels that were cut in half, the upper 3" of the top was cut off.  Then attached to the lower half.  This is a cashew grown from a seed thru the system ( 5lb, 2gal, till finally to a 5gal insert till it needed transplanting to larger containers.

Fire Fly, Fire Blight and the Summer Solstice

Ever have one of those times where give no thought to something but as soon as you do it appears.  That’s the Fire Fly.  Just as I thought about them I saw my first nymph. Ok, got that one.  A day or two pass and again not thinking about them but when I remember there’s another nymph.  Bad thing is there’s a Mulberry tree that 45' wide by 120' long and 40' high.  That’s a lot of food.  For them.  

Then to there’s the Fire Blight.  Everything was going just great.  Trees full of blossoms.  An I had to and muck it up.  See I was thinking about increasing the amount of apples I might get.  So after the blossoms set I fertilizer.  In a week the flowers were dying.  I knew better and did it anyway.  Now the trees are suffering for it. I did leave some trees unfertilized and their all right.  Last Fall I was thinking that Fire blight was entering the plant because using a ph balanced fertilizer allow it thru the plants walls.  Now the fertilizer wasn’t ph balance but strong.  With in a week all the fruit dropped off and leaves started to brown.  The unfertilized one’s have about 10 fruits.  Next year it might be 20.  But I didn’t want to wait.  None of the pears show signs of the Blight.  Less fruit on them tho.  

The English Walnuts are showing signs of growth.  In fact I think their both are flowering.  The part that’s worrying me is that thick piece of wood I saw as the root. That may have been 2" thick and 2‘ long.  That’s a big piece of wood sitting in water before the roots form.  How deep do I set it in.  Never had the problem.  

Next problem is the plants sales start next month.  There will be trees and fruiting bushes on sale.  The box stores have half price sales.  Now if I wait they might be 75% off.  That would be like $6. There’s 10 of the very large Sweet Heart Blueberries.  I’d get all ten.  Then the fruiting trees 

In thirty days it will be the Summer Solstice.  It’s 9pm and the light hasn’t surrendered to the night yet.  Was working on the back and found that I had neglected the front.    

This Rose I started about a month ago.  So far there's 7 buds.

Yes, the Carolina Reeper I over Wintered.  Didn't pay attention too seems to be the best advise. 

Both of the English Walnut trees are going fast growth.  That's not saying much tho.  That's just the strength in the wood.  The worry tho is wood rot.  I have to figure out what's the best water level.  

Went to the box store to see about their replacement policy and they just handed over another plant without question.  Took about 45min but it’s now in the system.  Also this time I added vinegar to the water to change the ph.  I’m going to let it get morning sun for a week.  The transfer it to the front.  Now I can see 5-2gal inserts I can use because I’m still hoping the Sweet Heart blueberries go on sale next month.  There’s 9 left.  But those have been sitting there since March.   

There’s the thing.  Waiting for End of the Season sales.  You know a Plant Person twitting little hands feeling those new pots you can have going.   I could have 50 Thornless Blackberries bushes in flower at 75% off.  20 Sweet Heart Blueberries at 75% like the one in the picture.  And trees, more trees.  Pears do better here it seems but it’s only been a year.  Problem over all is where to put what the eye sees vs what the hands can handle.  An the nerve of me thinking about the new stuff and forgetting about the Cashew seeds I planted till now.  Seeds I got from Vietnam. I noticed little gnats flying from them so I cover them with lids and forgot them.  Just happened to remember them and checked.  Two of them sprouted and no more gnats.  Been about 3 months.    

April 4 2024

May 26 2024

Here's another problem because I have to make the inserts and containers for them as well.  Also having to make the mix.  That could mean 30-2gal inserts as well as 20-5lb inserts with containers as well.

This Monstirea promises a leaf left every 3wks.

This is a Ayers pear.  Another I picked up at a box store.  This one too showed signs of Fire Blight last year but none now.

There are a few nice peaches growing now.  

Trying tomato's.  Think this might be a fertilizer problem.

Several of the trees didn't have Water Level holes.  The few Peaches I have suffered because I didn't notice.   I'm using Velcro tabs for hole covers.

Because of the angle the tree was grafted I bent it backto start straighting it out.  The roots are thicker with this method so I can push it back.  I use more mix with water in the space opened up.

To the left is the root mass of A Sweetheart Blueberry shrub,.  One of nine that I got.  Six are in good shape, three are suffering.  I think I can bring them back.   Thing is look at the roots, their like fine hair.   

Above are four Chandler cuttings I order..  Their in the system and full Sunlight. 

An yes let's us not forget about the Lantern Fly.  But they do love their Sumac.  I have one growing in a pot out front.  All the Fly's are on the Sumac in the front.  No Sumac in the back so the Fly's are wandering back there..  

Something I didn’t noticed until I noticed the Barbados Nuts are Flowering.  It’s a hard flower to pollinate.  Even by hand.  There’s a small Yellow and Black striped Wasp that did it at the other house.  And even if you did get the flower pollinated the seed have a terrible germination rate.  But I get one to three seeds.  All usually germinate quite well bucking the norm. 

This is a Legacy Blueberry I got last year.  I didn’t change the ph so it sat about 6.5 to 7. It didn’t grow much and had a really small root system. For a year’s worth of growth.  Well for this year that changed.  I lowered the ph and set in a 2gal insert.  

Right now 8 of the 9 Sweetheart Blueberries I just got are doing very well.  I can see growth in all 8.  

This ia a Thornless Blackberry.  Only got two of those.  Had a pretty long root system for a small plant.  Just bent the roots over, covered that then placed the remaining roots over that. 

Didn’t lose any trees this Winter.  All came back fairly well. 

This is a sample of the size Blueberries I picked up.  So far have eight of those.