
The mineral or nutrient cycle

The water cycle

The energy cycle

The dynamics of the biological community

These are the four principal working parts of Agro-Bio-Ponics.

The first, the mineral or nutrient cycle What it takes to produce the food that we eat. We as the biggest consumers we give back very little to our food production. Which means we import large amounts of minerals from else where for that purpose. With Argo-Bio-ponics the symbiotic relationships formed between plants and soil bacteria (fauna) are produced in a three part hydroponic environment. The sometimes moist part, the always moist part and the wet part. Waste produced by bacteria feeds the plant while the waste from the plants feed the bacteria. This is Natures nutrient cycle. This is how trees live for years on end in the same spot. Without ever having a change of dirt from us. The fauna ( bacteria) in the dirt is recycling it.

The water cycle is about how much water is wasted. In ground farming wastes about 90% of the water sprayed onto a field. Hydroponics is a 100% waste and toxic as well. Argo-Bio-ponics has a near 100% water savings. Each container is sealed and water only transpires out thru the leaves. So air is drawn in thru the porous base materials.

A lot of energy in the form of oil goes into plant production. From the machines to the fertilizer. Not only that but the use of oil based fertilizers destroys the land it’s grown on. Argo-Bio-ponics uses sunlight to move the only moving part to the system. Water.

The biggest worry right now is how modern farming is destroying it’s very base. The land it’s grown on. How farming is destroying the fauna large and small to produce mono-crops. Argo-Bio-ponics creates individual environments with in each container. There’s very little fertilizer used and next to none in the water. The system works on the Boom or bust cycle of Nature’s bacteria soil fauna.

One of the basic principals of self sufficiency is low external inputs. Being able to produce your crops on what you provide yourself. That the nutrients for your crops are produced and recycled back thru the nutrient chain. Since each container is sealed and works as an independent environment there’s no emissions or water waste. Argo-Bio-Ponics works with people synergies using Arts & Crafts that take the place of intensive knowledge.

Low external inputs - input self-sufficiency

• Low emissions - closed nutrient cycles

• Knowledge intensive - biodiversity that captures synergies, biologically controls pests

• Management intensive - labor intensive but other-resource efficient, to optimize sustainable yield: productivity/acre

• Local food self-sufficiency and national food sovereignty

Here's how to create the Hydro-Pods. Things you need:

  • soldering Iron
  • Box Knee High nylons
  • Marking pen
  • Scissors
  • 5lb cup with lid
  • 32 oz cup used as insert

The 32 oz cups are are fashion out as inserts using the soldering iron. Cutting the hole short then long create gentle vortexes when the water is moving. Helps draw out the roots. With the sharpie trace the outside rim of the 32 oz cup onto the lid.

I use the width of the nut holding the tip of the soldering as the distance from the inside of the line. That will give a good lip to catch the 32 oz rim on.

The picture on the right is what a finished Pod looks like. The small Velcro tab on the side has a cover to keep insects out.

I hand stretch the nylons then cut them in half. Tie a knot in the one piece and stretch either piece down over the slits to catch and hold the nylon.